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 Post subject: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:38 pm 
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If anyone's interested, I've been playing the Fallen Earth MMO free trial. Seems pretty cool. Its a bit slower than WoW, and crafting is an integral part of the game. The community seems great, with lots of people online to help newbs all the time. The crafting is detailed and involved. You don't end up having to grind a bunch of crap goods to get to where something is useful. Some of the stuff early on is pretty valuable, and while the crafting isn't as customizable as SWG was, its still pretty cool.

I'm planning on using this game to while away the days until The Old Republic comes out next year. If anyone wants to join me, let me know.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:27 pm 
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So, I've been playing this game a bit more. The more I play, the more I like it. It isn't as flashy as some, but it has some really good depth. Just about everything in the game is craftable, and the crafting is quite interesting. You always need some of everything to make stuff. Granted, I'm still low level (6, I think, with a level cap of 40 or 50, I believe), but I have yet to "grow out of" a resource. After you worked your way up the tailor profession in WoW, you never needed linen cloth anymore. In this game, I've had to go back to a noobie area to harvest raw cotton so I could still make more advanced clothes later on, even when I thought I had moved beyond it.

Some recipes require the same ingredients at a high level as at a low level, which is cool. It also makes those ingredients really rare, as everyone needs them.

Crafting is broken down into a bunch of different skill categories, but there are no restrictions on getting them. I think there are 11 "trade skills" or something, and they level up as you use them. They are top-limited by your stats, but you can still craft a lot of things even if you aren't a pure "crafter." You can easily be a combat heavy player and still make a lot of stuff for yourself to use or sell.

The world is huge. It takes place around the Grand Canyon. Talking to one of the helper guys (the community and support from the community is amazing), he was saying that with the 2nd fastest mount in the game, it takes a full hour to go from the capital of the stage one area (newbie area up to level 15) to the capital of the stage 2 area.

The mounts themselves are really cool. I eventually trained a horse. Mounts are not "magical" like in WoW. Once you summon a mount, it stays there with you until you take it to a stables or a garage for storage. They are persistent. Vehicles need gas, animals need feed. Horses, if left alone by themselves, will regenerate some of their own energy, but very slowly. Some are more efficient, some have better cargo carrying, some have benefits to combat.

Its like playing a Fallout 3 MMO, but its more about survival and community and trying to make it in a big world where you are all alone at a disadvantage, than it is about gore and mutants and crazy post-apocalyptic things. There is some of that too, but it isn't quite as "rated M" as Fallout seemed to be.

Anyway, its a great game. I'm really enjoying it, have my boxed game purchased from Amazon for $20, and am looking forward to playing it for a while. Let me know if any of you decide to try it out.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:00 pm 
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Forgot to mention, you get XP from crafting. I don't know how feasible it is, but theoretically you may be able to advance in levels through just crafting in the game.

Also, there is no auto-attack. All your attack actions are via the left and right mouse buttons, with specials and supplements via the quickbar. Shooting and swinging melee weapons are via the mouse.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:54 am 
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I'll have to look into this game.

 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:51 am 
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I know your time is limited, as is your internet, but if you do decide to get it, be sure to let me know. I'm playing pretty casually right now as I have a lot on my plate in RL, but I'm really enjoying the game. Once my full copy gets here, then I'll probably kick it up a notch. There is a level cap of 10 for the free trial, and you can't trade or mail or auction anything. Once I can start moving some stuff between toons, I'm going to try out a bunch of different character types.

There aren't any "classes" to the game. Your character gets good at stuff depending on how you decide to allocated AP (advancement points). 5AP will bump a stat +1, and they will bump skills (pistol, rifle, melee, dodge, armor use, etc, etc,) on a 1-to-1 basis. Each of your base stats improve by +1 each time you go up a level. Each skill has a range of values that it can be, and are based off of two stats. You will automatically have the lowest value of your skill ranges get raised by 1 each time you level, so you'll gradually get better at things as your character matures, even without allocating any AP.

One very interesting "feature" of the game is the character progression. You can be anything you want, do anything you want. However, there are NO RESPECS. If you screw it up, you are stuck with it. Just like growing up in real life, you have the knowledge and skills you've learned and acquired. You get 20 AP to assign per level, and there are also AP rewards, but still, AP in the game is limited. It is recommended that you do not assign AP to any stat or skill unless you need it and know you need it, or if you're a veteran of the game and know what you're doing. The game definitely has an emphasis on realism, and for the most part they've done a really good job.

The good news is that there are four character slots available per account. Your first character will probably end up being a bit of a throw-away character, or certainly not your best one as you learn the game.

The game also has the coolest intro/tutorial of any MMO I've ever heard of or played. It is very scripted, but that's OK since you are just figuring out how to control the game. I don't want to give away any spoilers for anyone if you decide to get it, as it was a very neat experience playing through it the first time. If someone really wants to know the scoop on it, I'll post some spoilers, or maybe PM them.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:00 am 
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So, I've still been steadily playing this game in little bits and pieces. I like it more and more all the time. I've definitely been pulled in a lot more than I was with WoW, at least from a game-world/suspension-of-disbelief aspect. I still continue to be impressed with the community, and the devs seem to be active in the community and are continuing to develop and refine the game while working on new content.

Reading through some of the forums, there was talk from a couple of months ago of a big cross-guild meeting that several big guilds were putting on via Ventrilo. The devs asked if they could attend, and it turned into a couple hour session of direct feedback on the game, and based on some of that, the Devs are working on things.

Everything isn't perfect. There are a few things that could really help the game, simply from a gameplay perspective. I still find the UI clunky and difficult at times. It doesn't have the huge playerbase that WoW does, so it doesn't have the third party UI development like WoW did. The game could really use an app like gatherer. You can't search or be looking for any particular type of harvest nodes, and while they do show on your map anyway, you can't tell what they are. All minerals look the same on the overhead map and the minimap, and all plant nodes look the same, etc. You can make waypoints on your own to various concentrations you want to remember, but the waypoints are somehow stored in the specific client of the game used, not by account, nor into an editable file that you can alter or transfer. So if you ever play on a different PC or different character, the waypoints you've previously made are unavailable.

Still, its a great game. There are a few bugs, and the devs ask for them to be submitted when found. They always have a moderator in the game help chat channel, and there are organized volunteer helpers too. It needs polish in a few areas, but is an amazing game all the same. I'm having a great time playing it.

I am never at a loss for something to do. There are so many missions to do, that you simply can't do them all in a given area before you've outgrown some of them. I've never done any grinding of anything, be it leveling or crafting. I make stuff to use, I make stuff to sell, and I gather whenever I come across anything. I do the missions I feel like doing at the time. There's always something I want to be doing, and it is usually driven by trying to acquire things to craft. It feels like I'm trying to survive in a big world, and I've got my own agenda that I'm pursuing as well.

The game is extremely solo-friendly. Perhaps too much so. I've grouped twice. I don't think anything in the game actually requires a group, unless there are end-game dungeons that I don't know about. I've heard some talk in-game about the lack of forced grouping, and how the game seems more like a single-player MMO where you can sell stuff to others. It can be like that I suppose. I think if a game is going to be too skewed, I'd rather it be too easy to solo everything than be forced to do too much grouping with PUGs.

Anyway, I'm still playing, still having a lot of fun. I'm hoping some of you with free time will check it out. I wouldn't mind starting up Avian Tech and Trade again in a new game.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:22 pm 
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Here's the latest "State of the Game" from the devs:

http://forums.fallenearth.com/fallenear ... post529066
Greetings Wastelanders,

It’s been an incredibly busy and very productive few months here at Fallen Earth. The teams have been hard at work fixing bugs, working on new content and features, as well as polishing the current content. With that said, I’d like to take a little time to share our priorities, what you can expect to see in game, and to address some of the questions that you have been raising. We have been working on several new features that we are extremely excited about.

Silent doesn’t mean distant! Over the past several weeks, the teams have been cranking hard on the project lists and making great progress. Our focus has been on new features, polish and fixing bugs (especially, Clan Wars). You have seen a few patches come down providing fixes, and that work continues. As always, we continue to read your emails and the forums and respond as we are able—so please keep your notes coming. We truly to value your feedback!

A touch of color: We are introducing a color customization feature to Fallen Earth! This will begin with vehicles and some of you may have already seen screens of the Interceptor. The basic colors will be crafted and the “rare” colors will be drops throughout the wastes. Colors will be able to be applied to all motorized vehicles to start. Again, this is step one in a much larger feature that will be introduced over the coming months as well, which will provide many more options for all clones such as custom clothing and gear.

It’s been a long time coming: A long-requested option from all of you is the ability to have a Minor Respec. This is another feature we've been working on, which will allow you to gain AP back and reallocate them as desired. Initially, Minor Respec injectors will be found on merchants. In a future patch we will add the ability for crafters to be able to make an improved version of Minor Respec Injector. They are priced by level bracket, so fixing a mistake early is less costly than changing a character's entire focus later on. Each Minor Respec injector will give you Minor Respec Points when used, which reallocate AP at a one to one ratio.

P vs. P: Want to battle anyone, anywhere? We say why the hell not! In the upcoming patch (late July), you will have the ability to flag for PvP anywhere in the wasteland. This means PvP can now take place wherever you choose. There is of course a cool down associated with this, so use it wisely and be careful, as you will remain flagged for a period of time after you decide to “un-flag.” Watch your back!

Live is always better! You demanded more live events and we are happy to deliver. Keep your eyes peeled over the next several weeks for hints of the next event and details regarding how you can participate. Expect to see more of these in the near future!

Off to a good start… We have been looking at our extended tutorial and have been reworking that to improve the experience for new players as they enter the wastes. We have reworked the extended tutorial to be much more action-oriented and exciting for players. This will be part of an on-going effort to improve the starting areas in Sector One. This will be seen in a much more dramatic fashion in the coming months. The most noticeable changes you will see will be the missions/actions you are asked to perform in the extended tutorial. The days of making relish are long gone!

Level Up! We are also improving the leveling curve in levels 1–12 to help you out in your adventures in the Province.

“Look to the trees” Most of you have probably seen the image we posted of the new colors on the Interceptors. If you didn’t already notice the trees in the background looked a little different, well, that’s because they are! We have improved and upgraded the trees throughout the Province.

A look ahead: These improvements to Fallen Earth are just the beginnings of a series of patches that are in the works. Our next milestone patches will be in September and December. Over the next several months we will be sharing more about what is to come. I will give you a little hint of what is in the pipeline. The Hoover Dam, Salvagers, Camps, factions, an old enemy and new areas are in the works.

We will also be continuously polishing the current sectors of the Province by way of filling in certain sections with new encounter areas, places to explore and many more exciting changes. Likewise, we are also taking a detailed look at combat and will be implementing many improvements with future patches.

Additionally, Sector Four has been a hot topic lately. We know how much you are eagerly awaiting Sector four as are we! One of my main areas of focus as Producer is ensuring that we as a team bring you the best and highest quality experience and content going forward. That focus also means longer development cycles sometimes to ensure that quality for you as a player. We have been experimenting with a lot of new concepts, some of which have been implemented throughout the Province already. Our plan is to bring you Sector four and instead of bringing one huge expansion we will release this in the form of “counties.” These will be brought to you over the next year in a steady release of content. Best of all, these will be free updates to the community.

Housing is another topic of great discussion. This is something we would very much like to see in the game—this hasn’t changed. The camp system is the gateway into the housing system and we will be working to bring that system closer to fruition. We want to make sure it meets expectations, so we will be taking our time on it to ensure quality.

Auction house is another area that we are working on improving. We are currently working on reducing the cost of posting auctions, and increasing the timeframe you will be able to post auctions for.

Lastly, Factions. This is a huge component of Fallen Earth and we are in the process of improving this system to play a much greater role in Fallen Earth in the future. This is a major adjustment to the game and one we don’t take lightly. It will take some time to get factions where we want them, but I can assure you this is one of our main priorities for the next six months.

There are a lot of exciting projects that we are working on for Fallen Earth and I am looking forward to being able to share those with you as we draw closer to being ready to reveal them, so keep an eye out!

I also want to give a mention to everyone who has sent in a letter to the dev team—we’ve had a blast reading through those (hand-written) notes and we appreciate all the support, feedback and humorous commentary/items you’ve shared! In addition, we’ve enjoyed getting to know members of the community individually through the weekly “Meet the Team” forum feature. Please keep those letters coming!

Again, we really appreciate all of your continued support and rest assured that we are hard at work on Fallen Earth. See you in the Wastes!

Dave “Archangel” Haydysch
Producer, Fallen Earth
Producer / Project Manager
Fallen Earth

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:23 pm 
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And how cool is it that the producer has a quote from Winston Churchill as a sig? I love this game, and these devs seem to be playing to my heart.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:49 pm 
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Gonna have to take a look into this one again.
Thanks Cet

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:11 am 
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Cetera, love all the information, thanks!!

 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:33 pm 
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You're right, this does sound good.

If they have a free trial available soon I'll definitely give it a try, otherwise I will have to go into my list of games to try in the future.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:48 pm 
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Bumping this in the hopes that someone will notice it this time and try the free trial. I'm itching to play again, and would love some company.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:00 pm 
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What is this? I've never heard of it before. Please tell!!!!

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:25 pm 
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how does fallen earth compare to fallout new vegas?

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:27 am 
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I haven't played Fallout Vegas, as my PS3 has been packed for over a month, and prior to that I was layed off and had no money for buying a game.

However, I liked it better than Fallout 3. It has some crap like cloning for death revival, etc, but the tutorial is one big "mission" that introduces you to the game in the middle of an awesome story, ends with a very cool and surprising scene, completely makes sense in the context of the world, and doesn't have you kill bugs and bunny rabbits. It is scripted very well.

The environments are similar, the setting is similar, but Fallen Earth isn't a historical future, and there is way more color to the world. I really like the back story and the different factions.

The one down side about the game is that the engine is very system intensive. You have to have a beefy rig to run it well.

It is very much worth doing the trial. There is enough to learn in the game that it is probably worth doing the tutorial twice with a separate account.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:30 am 
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The world is absolutely huge, too. It is far, far bigger than Fallout. With the fastset vehicles in the game, it can still take hours to traverse the lenght of the world. It is very, very cool.

You can level completely just by crafting. You don't have to quest if you don't want to, although it helps. But you can do just crafting and crafting quests and will level sufficiently to usually stay alive while gathering materials.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:39 pm 
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Just got this in email since I was in beta

Have you seen the latest news? Fallen Earth is proud to announce that it has joined the GamersFirst family! Marie "Aro Sei" Croall and all the developers you know and love will now continue to develop Fallen Earth under the banner of Reloaded Productions while GamersFirst provides all publishing and technical services. As with all GamersFirst games, this means Fallen Earth will begin to transition to the Free2Play® model over the next few months.

This is a huge change, so the team appreciates all of your support as we make the transition! If you have questions about everything that's going on (and we're sure you do) make sure to check out theFallen Earth blog here.

-The Fallen Earth Team
Fallen Earth Development Blog

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:52 am 
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Yeah, I just got that email as well. Hopefully that won't kill the game. It'll certainly make me more willing to devote some time to it.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:55 am 
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Like I told you Peter, as soon as it goes F2P I'll give it a good shake-down.


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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:00 pm 
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Was going to try the free demo but it will not for the life of me accept a zip code so I can't register.

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 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:19 pm 
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Bumping this, as it is now F2P and I'm dying to try it out with some Avian folk.

A couple of things:

1.) Your first character will not be your main character, so don't make it with all the care of how you want your toon to eventually be. Your first character will get screwed up stat wise, so don't worry about it. Play for a few levels, get a feel of the game, etc. Then go make your main.

2.) The community is great. Get help from them early and often. There is a help chat with people hanging out in it all the time. They will help you get started and figure things out.

I created a new character last night so I can figure out how to play again. There is a lot I don't remember, and it is just easiest to start over with a toon. I don't have anyone of high level anyway. It is a great game, though, and tons of fun, if you like the genre. Let me know if any of you decide to get involved. I'm most excited about playing Fallen Earth and City of Heroes as F2P games.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

 Post subject: Re: Fallen Earth MMO
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:23 pm 
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I will try to get on over the next couple of days and create a character.

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