Avian Gamers Network

Aephon's App
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Author:  aephon [ Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Aephon's App

General Character Information

What games do you currently enjoy playing the most?
fable and halo2, soon WoW

What style of gameplay do generally prefer? PvP, PvE, Crafting, etc...?
PvE, PvP was fun only in Infantry and only with the turrets

What game genres do you find most enjoyable?
sci fi fantasy

What unreleased games are you currently following the progress of?
none really

What unreleased games do you plan on playing in the future?
halo3 or whatever they'll call it (halo2.5)

In the games that you currently play, what names do your characters go by?
EQ- aephon EQII- Dissonance (psych majors?)

Player Associations

Have you previously been a part of any other Player Associations for any specific games or for gaming in general? Which ones were they, and why did you leave?

With the exception of the ones you have joined (if any) what other Player Associations did you consider?


Have you read and do you understand the text of the official Avian Charter?

Is there anything you would change or amend to the Charter?

Are you aware that a lot of Avian’s organization is conducted on the forum as opposed to in games themselves? How often do you see yourself regularly checking the forums if you are accepted into Avian
Yes, prolly quite often, at least before i sign on to WoW every whenever

Please take a moment to tell us how you found Avian.
My buddy told me about you and how helpful you were/are to him in swg and wow, TheMole.

Please explain why you have chosen Avian and why Avian should choose you. What do you expect to get from your membership in Avian and what do you expect to offer?
I choose avian because I enjoy getting help as much as I like helping others, I know that not everyone can jump into a game and understand how to play, thats where nice (?) ppl, like myself :evil: come in. Also I know that I will be on quite a bit and my helpfulness will help Avian. I expect help if I ask for it, but I understand that I don't come first and sometimes help can wait, it is a game after all. I expect to offer my help with getting others to understand how games are played.

Author:  TheMole [ Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Uh oh... here we go... Welcome!

Aephon is one of my good friends, so if you see us arguing, gesturing, or swearing at each other, know that it's all in good fun, and that he is much stupider than I am!

Author:  Talon1977 [ Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, now that IS stupid! :P Here's the question that your entire application will hinge on though --- Are you a Michigan fan too? :twisted:

Author:  bigyak [ Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Welcome, welcome! I've always wondered how Fable is. I heard so much build-up to it, and how it'd revolutionizing games... what's your take on it?

Author:  aephon [ Thu Jan 13, 2005 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

first of all themole is very slow, he is actually 42, he thinks he has just graduated college, but it was actually no helmet school. yes, michigan rocks and i love them with all my heart, but i'm open to jumping on bandwagons, GO USC. fable is nice, but no it did not revolutionize anything, still hack and slash and a very short story line, but its fun to go back and try different things, right now i'm working on my skill (archery) character but again it was still a fun game, maybe one or two days to complete even with side quests.

Author:  dbakke [ Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 


My wife went to Michigan so ....welcome again! :)

What server is your EQ2 char on?

There is a hardy band of Avians that play although not as many as are in WoW. We are on AB.

Author:  Barcalla [ Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Welcome! Make yourself at home :D

Author:  Master Gui-Jan [ Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 


Thank you for applying to Avian Gamers. Your application is currently being reviewed by the Board of Directors. As soon as a decision has been made, you will be notified.

You are encouraged to participate in these forums, and interact with our members in game.

Author:  Talon1977 [ Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:56 am ]
Post subject: 


Congratulations, your application has been accepted by the Board of Directors and you will be placed in Section 2.

As a new member you may wish you visit the Important Links for Every Member thread. It will greatly help you get caught up with the rest of Avian. Remember that some things at that link my be slightly out of date now they we have expanded into a multi game Player Association. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me, or any of our members.

Again, Congratulations on your membership.

Author:  TheMole [ Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Woot! Congrats yo...

Author:  lakini81 [ Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:59 am ]
Post subject: 


Author:  aephon [ Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:25 am ]
Post subject: 

thank you all for having i appreciate it, while i'll only be on WoW you can give any grief to themole, he is my secretary. thanks.
aephon, written by themole

Author:  TheMole [ Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

aephon wrote:
thank you all for having i appreciate it, while i'll only be on WoW you can give any grief to themole, he is my secretary. thanks.
aephon, written by themole

Sounds like somebody had some fun at the bar last night 8)

Author:  Azzameen85 [ Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

TheMole wrote:
Uh oh... here we go... Welcome!

Aephon is one of my good friends, so if you see us arguing, gesturing, or swearing at each other, know that it's all in good fun, and that he is much stupider than I am!

Is that possible? :P

Author:  aephon [ Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:19 am ]
Post subject: 

bah i miss one word and the whole reply makes no sense. at any rate, themole sucks, he is this 45yo guy who still thinks that he's in his 20s. it is very sad, while no one has discovered why this has happened, i have my opinion. themole used to be an armwrestler, he "battled" in the ukraine, turkmenistan and japan. he was an elite "battler", till he met his demise in "battle" themole was 250lbs and his "enemy" was a 15yo girl, her name was Urika obviously this "battle" occured in japan. Urika weighed in at only 100lbs, but the rules stated that the winner of the two brackets, heavy and light, would "battle". themole was beaten two of three and disgraced. from that day, roughly july 8th 2001, themole has been outside once, for the funeral of Urika. other then that themole remains inside and allows his man servants to run his errands, he only plays games where he can build his character into the strongest or most powerful character, this is why he bounces from game to game, which ever is newest and without a powerhouse. to be more powerful or stronger than themole is an insult, one that will make themole leave the game and move on. this is themole's lifestory, any questions just post here. again, never mention Urika or themole will break down crying for the only opponent to beat him in head to head competition.

Author:  bigyak [ Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ha ha @ The Mole

Lucky for us, we're all wussy crafters. It's good to have him as our champion. ;)

Author:  Dozer [ Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:32 am ]
Post subject: 

grats man :)

Author:  TheMole [ Sun Jan 23, 2005 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

aephon wrote:
bah i miss one word and the whole reply makes no sense. at any rate, themole sucks, he is this 45yo guy who still thinks that he's in his 20s. it is very sad, while no one has discovered why this has happened, i have my opinion. themole used to be an armwrestler, he "battled" in the ukraine, turkmenistan and japan. he was an elite "battler", till he met his demise in "battle" themole was 250lbs and his "enemy" was a 15yo girl, her name was Urika obviously this "battle" occured in japan. Urika weighed in at only 100lbs, but the rules stated that the winner of the two brackets, heavy and light, would "battle". themole was beaten two of three and disgraced. from that day, roughly july 8th 2001, themole has been outside once, for the funeral of Urika. other then that themole remains inside and allows his man servants to run his errands, he only plays games where he can build his character into the strongest or most powerful character, this is why he bounces from game to game, which ever is newest and without a powerhouse. to be more powerful or stronger than themole is an insult, one that will make themole leave the game and move on. this is themole's lifestory, any questions just post here. again, never mention Urika or themole will break down crying for the only opponent to beat him in head to head competition.

The Ukraine is weak!!!

(what show is that from)

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