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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:21 pm 
n00b 4 3v3r
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OOC: YES! IT'S BACK!! The much awaited stories of the young Antan Karmola have returned!!! Well, simply reposted, for the moment. I'll get around to rewriting them sometime in the future. On a technical note, this is a closed thread so please, if you want to add comments, place them in a separate OOC thread, thanks.

Antan sat down in the private members room of Lendo's Lounge with a Tatooine Double Sunrise, one of lendo's specialties. The people around the table were recalling tales of past experiances, as they usually do. Antan decided to tell of some of his first flying experiances.

"It all began because my father, Talon Karmola, wanted to start a new line of ships, fighters, in his company. 'You can't craft a ship unless you can fly one' he used to say. He, of course, had been making personal transports all his life but had never even been in a fighter, yet alone fly one. He could see, though, that, with the war, there was a need to build fighters so someone, therefore me, had to learn to fly one. I got sent to the Imperial Flight Academy.

"I enlisted at the sign up post in Theed on Naboo and we taken through the basic manuvers in the old headhunters they had. Man, I heard that Rancors handle better! They were death traps just waiting to explode! Anyway, having learnt how to 'fly' in those things (if you could call it that!) we had to take them out on patrol with some 'Vets'. Honestly, they had less skills than us! Must have been Navy rejects or something. So, we went in standard V formation out towards Tatooine. Just about to reach the hyperspace transit bouy on the way back when two dozen pirate fighters dropped out of hyperspace going the other way! The 'Vets' made a full immediate retreat at the first sign of battle and jumped at a different bouy (one we didn't have the co-ords for!), leaving the six of us rookies to fight it out. Anything we didn't know about dogfighting we learnt pretty quick, I can tell you!

"I took the lead, since I had the most experiance, and split us into two groups of three, I taking one and some kid taking the other. Obviously, we couldn't take them all, but we just needed to plant enough confusion to give us time to jump to hyperspace. We could then report it to the authorities when we got back. I had my group attack the pirates head on with as much power to the shields as we could spare, the idea being that they were too worried about us to notice the other group, which I had flanking them. It seems their pilots were as well (badly!) trained as we were because it seemed to work! We managed to shoot down one or two ships each before we jumped. The officer was impressed with our performance and we were all given immediate promotions and assignments to flight squadrons. Little did I know, at the time, that this was more to do with a vast shortage of pilots rather than our good performance!

"So that was how I started flying!"


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 6:13 pm 
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OOC: I'm going to change to a third person prospective from here on.
This story also no longer agree that well with the first part and I need to do some rewriting to improve it so most parts will change at some point in the future.

Lieutenant Antan Karmola sat in a Lambda Class shuttle as it moved through hyperspace. He had spent the last three and a half years flying Z-95 Headhunters fighting pirates in the Outer Rim Teritories and had now been assigned to the VSD Vengance. It was a newly commissioned Victory Class Star Destroyer with a full compliment of three squadrons of fighters. Antan was traveling to meet it in the Corellian system.
"One minute til revert to realspace, Lieutenant." Came the anouncement over the speaker. Antan made final mental preparations before the shuttle came into the system. A slight nervousness had crept up on him during the trip, but he pushed it aside. The Star Destroyer appeared in the front viewports as the shuttle exited hyperspace and began moving towards it.

Antan brushed off his Imperial dress uniform as he smartly marched down the exit ramp.
"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant!" The officer at the bottom of the ramp said as Antan snapped off a quick salute, which was returned.
"Thank you, Sir."
"I'm Major Jecota. The Captain wished to see you the moment you arrived. Follow me!" He turned on his heel and marched off to the turbolifts at the side of the hanger.

Antan followed the officer into the Captain's office.
"Lieutenant Karmola, Sir!" Jecota announced. Antan saluted as the Captain turned to face him. The Captain was a relatively short man with whisps of grey hair on his head. He had a cold stare and a harsh demeanor.
"Ah! Lieutenant!" The Captain said as the officer left. "You will be heading up one of our squadrons." He looked down at a datapad. "Green Squadron."
No doubt named after the pilots' experience!
"Your record seems to show that you are up to the task, but we shall see whether you can perform or not soon enough." He added with a menacing grin. "We have a brand new set of Twin Ion Engine Fighters, TIEs, for you."
Antan frowned.
"Something wrong, Lieutenant?"
"I had assumed, Sir, that we would be flying the new X-Wings. They, afterall, are the successor to the Z-95s."
"I am aware of that, Lieutenant. The Imperial Navy has it's own reasons to use these craft. That should be good enough for you!"
"Yes, Sir."
The Captain pressed a button on his desk and the officer came back through the door. "Mr Jecota will show you to your quarters." He paused with a glare. "If you've no questions, of course?"
"No Sir." Antan replied, saluted and left behind Jecota.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 4:54 pm 
n00b 4 3v3r
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Jecota halted smartly in the corridor. "Your quarters, Commander." He pointed to a door on the right.
"Your promotion came through shortly after you arrived, Sir."
"But the captain didn't say anything."
The Major gave a wiery smile. "Captain Jarris delights in putting people down. It is not in his nature to announce promotions!"
"I see." A thought occured to Antan. "Tell me, why would a major, such as yourself, be used as a messenger? Is there an abundance of them in the Navy?"
"No Sir!" Jecota's smile extended into a broad, friendly grin. "I had assumed you would've been told. I am Green Squadron's Executive Officer."
"Can you fly?"
"No, no, I'm ground based. I arrange all the operation schedules, flight routes and even requisition orders."
"Right. Ok, in that case, I want you to inform the pilots and ground crews that I'll have a full inspection in the hanger in an hour's time."
"Already done, Sir." Antan frowned. "I had assumed that would be the first thing you would want to do, so I had it already arranged!"
Antan chuckled. "You're good, I'll give you that!"
"Thank you, Sir"
"I'd also like you to have it that we do a patrol of the system shortly after." He raised an eyebrow. "Or have you done that already as well?"
"No, Sir, I'll have it arranged."
"Thank you. It'll be good to get a chance to fly the things before we have to fight in them!"
"Yes, Sir." Jecota snapped off a smart salute and left down the corridor as Antan entered his quarters.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 6:52 pm 
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Antan stopped the moment he got through the doorway. The pilot over the other side of the room noticed his entrance and stood up executing a stiff, nervous salute. As he did so Antan noticed he was a boy, no more than seventeen years old. He had a fresh complexion with light auban coloured hair. His uniform was well pressed and shoes reasonable well polished which showed, despite the boyish look, he had a fair idea of what he was doing. "What are you doing in here?"
"The....these ah...are my q..quarters, Sir." The boy continued to salute. Antan gave a friendly smile.
"At ease, I'm not going to bite!" The boy dropped his hand quickly and hesitated a bit before relaxing. "We must be sharing these quarters, though I was not told of it. You are a pilot I take it?"
"Yes, Sir." Replied the boy, now much happier that he had nothing to fear in his new room mate. "I'm a new fighter pilot. Just graduated from the Academy. I'm in Green Squadron." He smiled a bit. "I've heard that it's commander is a right battle axe!"
"Yeah!" It suddenly dawned on him the two of them hadn't been introduced. "Oh! By the way, I'm Jan Ketou." He put his hand out. Antan took it with a broader grin.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Antan Karmola, Commander of Green Squadron!" Jan backed away looking rather sheepish.
"Sorry, Sir."
"Don't worry, I don't mind! We'll be meeting in the hanger in an hour for an inspection."
"Yes, Sir. I know, Sir."
"Ah yes, of course! Very well," He pointed to a doorway in the partition on his right. "I'll take up residence through there then. See you in an hour." He added as he walked through the doorway.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 4:05 pm 
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Antan stepped out on to the hanger deck wearing his flight suit and walked casually over to the group in the centre whilst making sure his paces were regular enough to not give a bad impression. He saw there were eleven pilots in a line each suited up and two others, one of whom was Major Jecota, who marched up to him.
"All pilots present and accounted for, Commander."
"Thank you, Major." Antan accepted a datapad from Jecota and came to a stop in front of the pilots. "You are the pilots of Green Squadron. Let's hope your skills exceed those suggested by that name." There came a few grunts of approval. Antan continued. "You will be split into three flights of four craft. Designations One through Four compose the first flight, Five through Eight, the second and Nine through Twelve, the third with the leads being One, Five and Nine respectively. Answer when I call your name and I will give you a designation. KERN!"
"Yes, Sir."
"Seven. TRELLES!"
"Four. QUAPLE!"
"Yes, Sir."
"Twelve. RETTOR!"
"Yes, Sir."
"Eight. WILAR!"
"Sir! Yes, SIR!" Antan raised an eyebrow and flashed a quick look at Driggett.
"Nine. KETOU!"
"Yes, Sir."
"Six. SALLAM!"
"Yes, Sir."
"Ten. YUAR!"
"Yes, Sir."
"Eleven. And SAN-GRELLEN!"
"Yars, Sar."
"Three." Antan looked up from the datapad and notice the man at the end of the line who was not wearing a flight suit. "And you are?" The man stepped forward and saluted.
"Bail Fenyar, Technical Officer, Sir."
"Ah good!" Antan returned the salute with a sharp, crisp one of his own and continued. "Tell me, Mr Fenyar, what is the technical specifications of these fighters?" Looking round at the pilots, he added "At ease, Gentlemen!"
"Yes, Sir. The Twin Io....."
"Mr Fenyar."
"Err.... yes, Sir?"
"I already know them." The tech frowned.
"But wh..." Antan pointed out to the eleven pilots.
"They don't!" Fenyar's face lightened up as it slowly dawned on him.
"Ahh! Right!" A few chuckles from some of the more experianced pilots quickly turned to coughs as Antan caught their eyes in a quick stare. "The Twin Ion Engine fighters or TIEs are space superiority starfighters. They have a speed of 100 MGLT or 1200 Klicks per hour in atmosphere and have greater manuverability than anything else currently in commission. They are equiped with two standard laser cannons, but have no shields or hyperdrive and a very limited life support system." There were several grunts of disapproval from the pilots at this last statement. An Imperial pilot, it seems, is now considered expendable!
"We will now inspect the ships." Antan announced. "San-Grellen, Trelles and Wilar, you all know what you're doing so you go right ahead and check your ships. The rest of you, Major Jecota will show you how to make sure your ships are in good working order. Report to me your findings when you've all finished." After a chorus of "Yes, Sir"s, Antan walked away with the tech. "Mr Fenyar..."
"Bail, I assume you've put in a few surprises?" Bail smiled.
"Three on each fighter, Sir."
"Excellent, we'll see how they do then!"
"Yes, Sir." Bail answered with a wink and headed off to his office.


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:11 pm 
n00b 4 3v3r
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One by one the squadron's TIEs flew out of the Vengence's hanger. Antan was a little disappointed with his pilots as none of them had found all three of the problems with the fighters that a normal pre-flight inspection should have uncovered. He had been on the verge of having them all spend their free time for the next few days practicing when Jecota, who the pilots had now taken to calling by his first name Brandt, had suggested that Antan showed them all how it should be done. Antan, therefore, made an extra careful inspection of his fighter expecting there to be three problems with it. There were ten. He found all of them!
"Okay Greens, we're going in-system so stay in tight formations until I say otherwise. Oh and Nine..."
"Sir?" Drigget, who had left the hanger with a corkscrew followed by a rolling side step and then a tight vertical loop, was now forming up at the front of Third Flight.
"No showing off!"
"Yes, Sir." He answered in a mild whine. As they headed towards the planet Corellia, Antan called up:
"Trelles, you're the resident native Corellian here, what's the tranceiver code for CorSec? They might be interested in why a full TIE squadron is headed in bound!"
"Yes, Sir. Sending now." Antan patched in the code.
"CorSec this is Green Squadron of the VSD Vengence headed in bound on patrol."
"Copy Green Squadron. You have an unusually large number of craft for a patrol, are there any problems?"
"Negative, CorSec. Meerly routine."
"Roger. Proceed."
"Thanks. Green Squadron out." Not that we need their permission to patrol but it's always good to exchange courtesies. Antan pitched up just above the horizon of the planet and flew passed it's equator heading towards the moon.
"All craft, this is Lead. Your laser cannons have been reconfigured to do minimal damage on impact. First Flight will head around the moon to the east. Second and Third Flights will fly together as one under Five and will round the moon to the west. Apon contact on the other side, break into pairs and engage. This exercise is to test your combat manouvers. Do not unnescessarily endanger your fellow pilot. Points will scored with virtual kills and lossed with virtual deaths. Scores will be totaled and announced after we land." Antan looked out of his cockpit at the other TIEs. "Five ....... Break!" Wilar rolled off to the left. The rest of Second Flight followed and Third Flight turned after them. Antan and First Flight rolled off to round the moon to the right.

"First Flight, report in." Antan called up as soon as they had lost contact with the other two flights.
"Two here." Jan reported.
"Three here, Sar!" Came San-Grellen's gravelly refined voice.
"Four reporting in sir." Trelles, cool, easy-going, chimed in last.
"When reinitiate contact," Antan continued. "Two..."
"I'll be wingman for you and Four...."
"Yes Lead?"
"You be wingman for Three. Right Three?"
"Right you are, Sar."
"Good, change tranceivers to channel five-zero-six. We don't want the others listening in on our tactics!" They changed channels and Antan called up again. "Right, we'll make contact very soon. Hold off breaking formation until I tell you. Stick together and cover each others sixes and we should do well."


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:12 pm 
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The two groups were about to make contact on the far side of the moon.
"Sir?" Jan called.
"Yes Two?" Antan responded.
"It's just occured to me, there are only four of us against eight of them. I expect the odds are against us."
"Never tell a Corellian the odds." Trelles piped in. Antan chuckled, a friendly cheerful sound.
"Jan. What I expect........ is to win!"
"Oh!" Jan sounded rather surprised. "Okay then." He said, not entirely convinsed.
"Flights Two and Three sighted, Sar." A single TIE came streaking out over the horizon with a tight group of three in V formation a short distance behind. Drigget! That show-off needs to learn he can't win a battle solo. Shortly behind but quite a distance from the moon came two distinct pairs of fighters. The three TIEs in V formation drifted back towards the pairs as the lone fighter continued on straight for Antan's Flight. Good. At least Wilar knows what he's doing.
"Hold formation. When I say, Two, break right and high. Then turn to engage the single fighter out the front. Three, you and Four, break towards the moon. Stay low and come to flank the others, we'll take them from the front."
"Understood, Sar."

When Drigget had closed to two and a half kilometres, he opened fire.
"BREAK!" San-Gellen and Telles backed off and turned towards the moon. Jan, who was the front most fighter broke away and Antan rolled to the right but held his course. Drigget had seen Jan break and, thinking he was Antan, turned to intercept to try and get a shot off at their leader. Antan had expected this and fired on Drigget before turning to form up on Jan's wing. He quickly changed tranciever channels. "Nine, you have been killed. Disengage and return to a safe altitude."
"Yes...... Sir." Drigget sounded furious with himself. That should teach him to try and show off! The group of three TIEs broke off and accelerated towards San-Grellen, whilst the two pairs split out wide for a two pronged attack on Jan and Antan. Kern and Rettor in the pair on the left came in first. Jan pitched up and rolled round towards the second group whilst Antan executed a corkscrew roll while turning into the two fighters as they fired at him. Their shots were poor and missed, while Antan got two solid hits on Rettor as he passed through his crosshairs.
"Eight, you're dead! Join Nine in the safe zone." Jan had tried a flanking move on Wilar and Hanlages, but Wilar out manuvered him and took him out of play. While this happened, though, Antan had banked around and got Hanlages from behind. He tried a few shots at Wilar too, but didn't get him well enough to 'kill' him. "Two and Six to the safe zone." San-Grellen and Trelles had gone head to head with Sallam, Yuar and Quaple. San-Grellen had got Yuar while Trelles had hit Quaple and barely missed Sallam. Sallam, Yuar and Quaple, however, had all hit San-Grellen. "Three, Eleven and Twelve to the safe zone." There were only five fighters left. Two against three. Not bad odds! Kern had moved to Wilar's wing and they were both chasing down Antan. Sallam was turning for a shot on Trelles who headed away from the moon to assist Antan. Wilar fired as Antan performed a barrel roll. He performed a tight loop which Wilar followed, but Kern turned too slow and was hit by Antan from behind. "Seven to the safe zone."
"Lead, break low." Antan rolled upside down and pitched up. Wilar had followed, not noticing Trelles who got him.
"Thanks, Four." Trelles formed up on Antan's wing. "Five, safe zone." Sallam was now approaching from behind. "Four, break left." Antan called as he himself broke right. Sallam followed Trelles so Antan turned full circle and got him from behind. "First flight, trancievers to standard channel." Antan looked out and surveyed the TIEs patroling the safe zone. "Congratulations Greens. That was a very good training session. Form up on me and we'll head back to base."

Major Jecota, stood waiting for them as they arrived back in the hanger. He had been monitoring the action as it happened. He walked to Antan's side as he head towards Bail who was standing by his office.
"That was a very good exercise, Sir." Antan smiled.
"Yes, yes it was."
"You got the top score with five kills. Congratulations!"
"Thanks, Brandt." Jecota walked away as they neared Bail.
"Same again tomorrow, Sir?"
"Yes, I think that would a good idea." Bail started to walk off towards the TIEs. "Bail..." He turned as Antan called.
"Four, this time." Bail gave a broad grin.
"Certainally, Sir!"


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 10:08 am 
n00b 4 3v3r
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"I want to congratulate you all on completing inpections of your craft perfectly." Antan said to the assembled pilots in the briefing room. There were a few cheers in responce, but most remained quiet. "Now, on to business. The Vengence is jumping out of the system. I don't know where we're heading so I can't tell you, but we've been sent to deal with a lot of pirate activity out there." He looked to Jecota who was in the corner. "The Major will tell you more. Major?" Antan moved away from the centre of the ampitheatre shaped room as Jecota came across to where he was standing.
"The moment the Vengence drops out of hyperspace, First Flight will launch on patrol out around the forth planet in the system. It's inhabited but the population centred around a single city on the equator. It trades in expensive commodities and so the trade routes out of the system are popular with pirates. Second and Third Flights will patrol the two main routes and will be on escort duty for inbound traders." The Major gave a quick look at Antan as he started to move back to the centre. "Sir."
"We will be operating standard escort proceedures. Do not engage targets unless they begin hostilities at which point spilt into your pairs and two remain with the transports while the others engage. First Flight will act as backup in such a situation. Any questions?" No one raise their hands. "Good. Assemble in the hanger in two hours. Dismissed."


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

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