For testing purposes only, I purchased a charter from an NPC and ran around grabbing sigs from any Avians I could find. The name of the guild, of the ranks, and permissions are NOT official, just testing functionality. Some early thoughts and impressions.
There seems to be no way to transfer leadership of the guild. While other players can be given the title (by manipulating the custom names and permissions) the original founder can not be removed... that I've found... yet...
Select O (letter) and select guild tab. This will open the guild ui. (may be a direct link, dunno). YOU should choose your own message. We've been using it to list our tradeskills. I set everyone's message last night thinking it was something that could be viewed by other players. It is not. It's only viewable in the guild UI.
Experiment with the funcionality. I set permissions to max for just about everyone (except maybe those that are accepted in later).
_________________ "Chatfield, I think there's something wrong with our bloody ships." Admiral David Beatty, upon watching the battlecruiser Queen Mary explode at the battle of Jutland.
My name is Tobias Smith and I approved this post.