Avian Gamers Network

Patch Notes: Instance Changes
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Author:  iJasonT [ Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Patch Notes: Instance Changes

All seem positive and reflex player feedback so I assume these are good changes to higher level content.

Upcoming Stratholme and Scholomance Changes

Consolidating Tigole's posts for sticky management.)

In response to player feedback, the following changes will be going live to Scholomance when the next content patch is available (note: not the localization patch, not server maintenance).

--Increased respawn delay to 2 hours on the majority of spawns. Only the crypt fiends will respawn in 30 minutes. This should make wipe-out recovery MUCH easier.
--Removed low health flee from all creatures in the dungeon.
--Removed triggered roamers in the first room. Previously, if you only cleared one side of the room, other mobs would wander over and take their place.
--Fixed a bug that caused the spell "Cloud of Disease", cast by Diseased Ghouls, to do more damage than intended.
--Reduced the duration of Dark Plague from 3 minutes to 90 seconds.
--Blood of Innocents will now drop off both Doctor Theolen Krastinov (The Butcher) and Jandice Barov for players that have completed the Sarkhoff questline in Scholomance
--Shadow resistance now will be more effective at mitigating the damage from Unholy Aura. (This will also help with Eastern Plaguelands and Stratholme).

We’ll also be making the following changes/fixes to Stratholme in an attempt to make the dungeon more “5-person-friendly” and enjoyable:

--Lengthened respawn on all monsters in the Gauntlet area of the dungeon.
--Roaming Gargoyles will be set to 30~ minute respawn
--Roaming Shades set to 15-30 minute respawn (previously 5-15)
--Patchwork Horrors set to 15-30 minute respawn (previously 6-10)
--Overall respawn in the entire dungeon made longer
--Crimson Conjurers will no longer roam in pairs
--Crimson Conjurers can now only have a max of two “pets” at one time
--Changed the way the Gauntlet area works. The Crystals no longer respawn.
--The Crystals no longer fire ribbon of souls (this was causing in-combat issues)
--Fixed a bug that was causing monsters to leave combat in mid-fight, thus regaining all their health.
--Various tweaks made to the Baroness encounter

Lastly, we're aware of complaints about the loot in Scholomance and Stratholme. We plan on re-visiting the loot tables and items in the future. I can't promise this by the next patch but at least wanted you all to know we're aware of the problem and plan to fix it.

I feel that once the loot is set properly for the zones, people won't see clearing to certain bosses as "work" but rather will enjoy the dungeon experience a bit more.

Feel free to post any additional comments or suggestions on Scholomance and Stratholme here for the dungeon team. We're listening.

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