Avian Gamers Network

Complete Badge list
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Author:  Takaed [ Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Complete Badge list

Not entirely my work, but hey ;)

Complete Badge List
updated 6/29/05

Badge Collector
Total Available: 7
How to: These Badges are received after claiming a certain number of other badges. These badges are cumulative. That is, Your Badge Collector: 5 Badges will count towards your total to getting your Badge Collector: 10 Badges badge.
...has acquired 5 badges.
...has acquired 10 badges.
...has acquired 25 badges.
...has acquired 50 badges.
...has acquired 75 badges.
...has acquired 100 badges.
...has acquired 125 badges.

Total Available: 45
How to: These Badges are claimed simply by visiting certain special locales.
...has visited Ben Kenobi's old home.
...has visited the pool underneath Fort Tusken.
...has visited the famed Krayt Dragon skeleton.
...has visited the escape pod used by C-3PO and R2-D2.
...has visited the home of the mighty Sarlacc.
...has found the Lars Homestead on Tatooine.
...has found the hidden Krayt Dragon Graveyard.
...has discovered the hidden Gungan Sacred Place.
...has explored the depths of the Agrilat Crystal Swamp.
...has encountered the mysterious Palace of the Woolamander on Yavin 4.
...has discovered the ancient Temple of the Blueleaf cluster.
...has visited the Temple of Exar K'un.
...has climbed to the top of "Adi's Rest".
...has explored the horrid tar pits of Dathomir.
...has discovered the lesser Sarlacc on Dathomir.
...has found a mysterious escape pod crash-landed on Dathomir.
...has climbed to the peak of the Lesser Misty Falls region.
...has reached the Greater Misty Falls Peak.
...has uncovered the mysteries of the Ruined Jedi Temple on Dantooine.
...has visited the abandoned Rebel Base on Dantooine.
...has seen the majestic falls of Theed.
...has visited the stately falls of Dee'ja Peak.
...has visited Amidala's Private Beach.
...has seen the Rebel Hideout on Corellia.
...has seen the Rogue Corsec Base on Corellia.
...has visited the famous outdoor theater on Vreni Island.
...has seen the magnificent crystal fountain at Bela Vistal.
...found a wrecked starship on Dathomir.
...seen the dreaded Imperial Prison on Dathomir.
...has walked among Dantari tribesmen
...has visited a Dantari Rock Village.
...has visited an Ewok Tree Village.
...has visited an Ewok Lake Village.
...has seen a Dulok Village.
...has found a Marauder base on Endor.
...has seen the lost village of Durbin on Talus.
...has seen an Imperial Base on Talus.
...has observed a battle between Rebel and Imperial Forces on Talus.
...has seen a cave populated by Aqualish soldiers on Talus.
...has seen the fabled Kobola Spice Mines on Rori.
...has seen a Rebel Outpost on Rori.
...has seen an Imperial encampment on Rori.
...has found the Imperial Hyperdrive Research Facility on Rori.
...has found an Imperial base on Lok.
...has found a Kimogila skeleton on Lok.

Total Available: 5
How to: These Badges are very much like the Badge Collector badges, but only count the Exploration badges. These Badges are not cumulative. That is, your Novice Explorer: 10 Exploration Badges will not count towards your Journeyman Explorer: 20 Exploration Badges badge.
...has earned 10 Exploration Badges.
...has earned 20 Exploration Badges.
...has earned 30 Exploration Badges.
...has earned 40 Exploration Badges.
...has earned 45 Exploration Badges.

Profession Badges
Total Available: 34
How to: These badges are received simply when you master any profession. There are badges for the 6 starter professions, the 27 elite/hybrid professions plus Politician, but none for the 9 Force Sensitive/Jedi professions.
...has mastered the Fencer profession.
...has mastered the Swordsman Profession.
...has mastered the Bounty Hunter Profession.
...has mastered the Brawler Profession.
...has mastered the Carbineer Profession.
...has mastered the Commando Profession.
...has mastered the Marksman Profession.
...has mastered the Pistoleer Profession.
...has mastered the Pikeman Profession.
...has mastered the Rifleman Profession.
...has mastered the Smuggler Profession.
...has mastered the Teras Kasi Profession.
...has mastered the Architecht Profession.
...has mastered the Armorsmith Profession.
...has mastered the Artisan Profession.
...has mastered the Chef Profession.
...has mastered the Droid Engineer Profession.
...has mastered the Merchant Profession.
...has mastered the Tailor Profession.
...has mastered the Weaponsmith Profession.
...has mastered the Bio-Engineer Profession.
...has mastered the Creature Handler Profession.
...has mastered the Ranger Profession.
...has mastered the Scout Profession.
...has mastered the Squad Leader Profession.
...has mastered the Combat Medic Profession.
...has mastered the Doctor Profession.
...has mastered the Medic Profession.
...has mastered the Dancer Profession.
...has mastered the Entertainer Profession.
...has mastered the Image Designer Profession.
...has mastered the Musician Profession.
...has mastered the Politician Profession.
...has mastered the Shipwright Profession.

Total Available: 9
How to: These badges are received simply when you master any pilot profession and consist of 3 Imperial, 3 Rebel and 3 Neutral pilot badges. If Neutral on the ground, you can only be Privateer in space. If Imp on the ground, you can only be Imp or Privateer in space. If Reb on the ground, you can only be Reb or Privateer in space.
...has become a Vortex Ace Pilot.
...has become a Arkon's Havoc Squadron Ace Pilot.
...has become a Crimson Phoenix Ace Pilot.
...has become an Imperial Inquisiton Ace Pilot.
...has become a Black Epsilon Ace Pilot.
...has become a Storm Squdron Ace Pilot.
...has become a Royal Security Forces Ace Pilot.
...has become a Corellian Security Forces Ace Pilot.
...has become a Smugglers Alliance Ace Pilot.

Trivial Librarian
Total Available: 1
How to: In the Royal Palace in Theed the Trivial Librarian rests. She will ask you a series of questions, and all you must do is answer them. You have unlimited tries, so don't worry about getting any questions wrong.
...answered all the trivia questions posed by the Theed Palace Librarian.

Total Available: 6
How to: There are various races around the galaxy. Beat the current record holder, and you've got yourself a badge.
...has held the daily record on the Agrilat Swamp race track. (1680, 4700 Corellia)
...has held the daily record on the Keren City race track. (1396, 2686 Naboo)
...has held the daily record on the Mos Espa race track. (2380, 5000 Tatooine)
...has held the daily record on the Narmle City race track. (630, 5055 Lok)
...has held the daily record on the Nashal River race track. (-4975, -2227 Rori)
...has held the daily record on the Lok Marathon race track. (4199 5286 Talus)

Event(Cries of Alderaan)
Total Available: 1 (Formerly 5)
How to: The Cries of Alderaan was the first three act story arc in the SWG world. The Act 2 badges are no longer active. It is still possible to get the Act 1 badge, if you can find a complete set of discs. You will know you've found the right discs if they are titled "Encrypted Rebel/Imperial Transmission". Turn a complete set into a recruiter, and you have yourself a badge. But I warn you, as these discs havn't been dropping for the better part of a year, a complete set will be quite pricey. Act 3 is still working
...has investigated Project Dead Eye. (Act 1)
...has successfully contacted Dr. Vacca. (Act 2 Rebel)
...has assisted in securing Dr. Vacca's cooperation. (Act 2 Imperial)
...has successfully helped locate Dead Eye resources for the Rebellion. (Act 3)
...has successfully helped locate Dead Eye resources for the Empire. (Act 3)

Theme Park
Total Available: 4
How to: Theme Parks are essentially just strings of quests, which involve memorable characters from the films and the Star Wars extended universe. These 4 Theme Parks include Jabba's Palace(Jabba) on Tatooine, the Hidden Rebel Base(Rebel) on Corellia, the Emperor's Retreat(Imperial) on Naboo, and Nym's Stronghold(Nym) on Lok. Jabba's Palace, the Hidden Rebel Base, and the Emperor's Retreat can all be found in the POI tab, on your datapad. Nym's Stronghold is the only starport on Lok, Nym can be found in his palace, in the southern reaches of the stronghold. .
...has earned Jabba's Badge of Trust.
...has earned the Imperial Badge of Merit.
...has earned the Rebel Badge of Courage.
...has earned Nym's Badge of Honor.

Hero of Tatooine
Total Available: 5
How to: This is a series of quests, which can take quite some time to complete.
...bears the Mark of Courage.
...bears the Mark of Honor.
...bears the Mark of Intellect.
...bears the Mark of Altruism.
...bears the Mark of the Hero.

The Warren
Total Available: 2
How to: The Warren is a dungeon on Dantooine[Under your POI tab in your datapad].
...showed great compassion toward the widow of an Imperial worker.
...proved Colonel Teraud's perfidy and rendered great services to the Empire!

The Corellian Corvette
Total Available: 9
How to: To get these badges, all you have to do is complete one of the Corellian Corvette missions.
...has been recognized as an elite Imperial soldier, for bravery in the call of duty, eliminating a Rebel Blockade Runner.
...has been recognized for bravery in the face of danger, for rescuing Imperial Loyalists from the Rebel menace, imprisoned on a Rebel Blockade Runner.
...has been recognized as an elite Imperial soldier, for work in eliminating key Rebel personnel aboard a fully functional Rebel Blockade Runner.
...has been recognized by the Hutt clan for work in destroying a Corellian Corvette.
...has been recognized by the Hutt clan for work in freeing our imprisoned friends aboard a Corellian Corvette.
...has been recognized by the Hutt clan for work in eliminating key personnel at the Hutt's request.
...has been recognized by the Alliance as an elite soldier for work in destroying a captured Rebel Blockade Runner.
...has been recognized by the Alliance as an elite soldier for work in rescuing imprisoned comrades aboard a captured Rebel Blockade Runner.
...has been recognized by the Alliance as an elite soldier for work in eliminating key Imperial personnel on a captured Rebel Blockade Runner.

Total Available: 6
How to: These are quite simply the hardest badges to get in-game. They can only be awarded by CSRs, and other official SOE employees. These are awarded for, among other things, having a memorable personality, being a good guide to those in need of assistance, an exceptional biography, and participating in your server's live events. As it is, very few of these Accolade badges have been handed out on each server. If you have one, consider yourself lucky.
...has been recognized as an exceptional guide to those seeking knowledge.
...has been recognized as having an exceptional biography.
...has been recognized as an exceptional soldier in the war.
...has been recognized as having a memorable personality.
...has been recognized as being a tribute to their profession.
...has participated in a live event.

Total Available: 13 (I'm sure there are more, post what you have found)
...has discovered the natural beauty of the Wookiee homeworld - Kashyyyk.
...has become Exemplar of the Society through sacrifice of self and shown great dedication of loyalty to the Outcasts of Kkowir Forest.
...has become the Arena Champion of Kerritamba Village.
...has defeated the N-K "Necrosis" of the Myyydril Caverns.
...has become the Blood Hunter of the Kerritamba Village.
...has been awarded the Imperial Guard TIE Inerceptor chassis.
...has been awarded the Rebel Heavy X-wing starfighter.
...has been awarded the Blacksun "Vaksai" heavy starfighter.
...has defeated Lord Cyssc Blackscale, enslaver of Kachiroho.
...has assisted the Zssik clan in the destruction of The Avatar Space Platform.
...has delved into the deepest reaches of the Kryat Trail and defeated the fearsom Katarn.
...has excelled at hunting in the Etyyy region of Kashyyyk.
...has hunted and killed a Kkorrowrot in the Hracca Glade of Kashyyyk.

Mos Eisley (new player tutorial)
Total Available: 4
...has discovered the secret plan of Jabba the Hutt to have Tusken Zealots attack Mos Eisley by placing harvesters on locations the Tusken consiter holy.
...has uncovered information about Jabba the Hutt and the Tusken Zealots involving Mos Eisley.
...has become aware of a mystery in Mos Eisley involving attacks by Tusken Zealots.
...has been given the Key to the City of Mos Eisley by mayor Mikdanyel Guh'rantt for helping solve the mystery of the Tusken Zealots and Jabba the Hutt.

"Mob Hunter"
Total Available: 6
How to: Simply kill any of the mobs listed and the badge is yours!
...has defeated the Gorax of Endor.
...has defeated an Ancient Krayt Dragon.
...has defeated Akxva Min.
...has defeated an acklay.
...has defeated the Deathwatch Overlord.
...had defeated the gaping spider known as Kiin'Dray.

Total Cumulative Badges Available: 161

So thats only 66 to go for me :(

Author:  X2-PB [ Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Seems like you've enjoyed yourself!

Author:  Erime S'erolf [ Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

how did u get my bio to post here? :P

Author:  bigyak [ Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've got 4 badges!

Author:  Kyp Darron [ Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Heh, I got the "...has been recognized as an exceptional soldier in the war" on my toon on TC

Pex gave it when we were shooting at each other so that he could get some pictures of blaster shots for a magazine. It was my only attempt at PVP, and I did not have a single combat skill..just shooting with my cdef.

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