Avian Gamers Network

Rumours of the next expansion...
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Author:  Obo [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Rumours of the next expansion...

http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/boar ... &jump=true
Seen on MondesPersistants.com (french site dedicated to MMORPGs)
http://www.mondespersistants.com/mmorpg ... xies/7297/

A quick translation for you:

Live from Leipzig, SOE has just announced its next expansion for SWG: Trials of Obi-Wan.


It will introduce Mustafar, a mining planet where the duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin happened.

Most of its 50 new quests will revolve around Obi-Wan, living as an NPC on the planet, and you'll need to help him find his way. You'll to find your way too as every quest will ask you to make choices, leading you to the dark or light side of the force. It will impact directly on your standing with Obi-Wan.

Those quest will also talk about the history of Mustafar, which was first seen on the movie but which has not been very used in the Star Wars universe.

LucasArts and SOE also announce that we'll see NPCs from other Star Wars games in this expansion. The speaker was kinda mysterious about it, but some characters from the old world (?) could make a new apparition as a new "shape" [maybe a ghost?]

Misc informations:
- many new instanced areas on the planet ("who have really good reasons to be instanced")
- Mustafar will be totally aimed towards high level players (but you will be able to bring your friends with the sidekick system)
- no new space zone

This add-on will be released along with the DVD of Episode 3... that means November 1st.
No retail box, only available through downlad..

I don't know if it's fake or not, but that's all I have about it. (sorry for errors in the translation)

Le Jedi Fou

This could be the deathnail for me if it proves to be true. Makes me want to go around to the LucasArts offices with a Bat o Reason +5 and knock some common sense into em.

I think the capitol ships would have to be very well done to keep me hanging on.

Author:  Ravage [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:41 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm a little suspicious about this... "expansion"

First off, the first we hear about it is in some translation from a foreign article... I haven't looked, and don't plan to, but is there anything on the SOE/SWG sites themselves about it?

Second... Obi living on Mustafar? gimme a break. if this was ever allowed from a continuity standpoint... (ignorring the fact of thousands of jedi running around) this could never happen.

Not that i care anyway... i've pretty much lost interest in swg like almost everyone else.

Author:  Obo [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:48 am ]
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There was a SWG Fan Fest type breakfast at the Gaming Confrence at Leipzig Germany today, that is where it was announced. Someone who was at it has now confirmed it. But that was only a few hours ago so still nothing official yet.

As for Obi-Wan, I'm sure he'd be a blue glowie.

Author:  Master Edward [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Looks a bit fishy to me, but hey... it's LucasArts! Of course they are allowed to mess with continuity if they want to attract the prequel crowd!

may be cynical

Author:  Azzameen85 [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:24 am ]
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The prequel fans? Bah!!! Just kids, nothing else.

I'd say they should base the expansion on the expanded universe.

Let in Playerrun Capital ships and more playerships.

Remove the faction requirement of certain POB ships like the YT-1300 and YKL-37-R and Firespray. Those are useable by everyone in the SW universe, well not the firespray since they were build in very few numbers, but anyway. The most famous YT-1300 is used by a rebel in that matter.

Other ships that could be added is the TIE Defender, E-wing and Cloakshape fighter.

Instead of Mustafar they could have chosen Ossus. A former Jedi planet with a jedilibrary. A good place to put alot of Jedi ghosts. Or atleats the treelike jedi Odd Bnar.

Just my two cents

Author:  Dragon Fire [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:47 am ]
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worse expansion idea ever...and thats saying something even for Lucasarts and the star wars license

Author:  Angelus [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:27 pm ]
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1 word - retarded

Author:  dbakke [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:07 pm ]
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I continue to be impressed by the success they have in achieving new lows...

Author:  Obo [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:45 pm ]
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http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.co ... %20Obi-Wan

Also seems SWG has pushed 1 million units to date.



Star Wars Galaxies ™ : Trials of Obi-Wan heats things up - literally! -with all new mustafar content inspired by Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith

Leipzig Games Convention - Leipzig , Germany - August 19, 2005 -
LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment Inc. ( SOE ) today unveiled Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan to the cheers of Star Wars Galaxies ™ enthusiasts gathered for a fan breakfast at the 2005 Games Convention in Leipzig , Germany. This third expansion to the popular immersive online game is scheduled for release on November 1st, alongside the Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith theatrical DVD and Star Wars Battlefront ™ II video game. The companies also revealed that more than 1 million units of the Star Wars Galaxies franchise have now been sold, a testament to its ongoing popularity.

Like Obi-Wan Kenobi after his death, Star Wars Galaxies has become "more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Appropriately, Trials of Obi-Wan allows players to better understand the meaning of these final words spoken by Luke Skywalker's mentor, as they embark upon missions delivered directly from the spirit of the revered Jedi Master himself. From the very shores of molten lava where he defeated Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan guides players on quests that span the planet Mustafar - some of which might even convert devotees of the dark side over to a more virtuous path. This expansion features many new high-level quest rewards, including the ability to find a fiery red crystal found only on the volcanic planet that creates a lava-like lightsaber for the lucky owner. Players who fulfill all of Obi-Wan's directives will also receive a rich reward.

Mustafar colonists present many exciting trials of their own, too, as Trials of Obi-Wan includes more than 50 new quests for the galaxy's bravest adventurers, from rescue missions to the exploration of a crashed Republic cruiser. Many quests also revolve around a prominent figure from Star Wars ® : Knights of the Old Republic ® who returns 4,000 years after his prime with one simple mission in mind: Eliminate all meatbags.

"With Trials of Obi-Wan being an expansion set for release via digital download the same day as the Episode III DVD, we can't think of a better planet to add to Star Wars Galaxies than Mustafar," said Julio Torres, Producer at LucasArts. "Meanwhile, including the spirit of Obi-Wan nicely bridges the prequel era and the more classic-oriented time period depicted in the game. We're really excited about continuing mythology established by other LucasArts games, as well."

The release of Trials of Obi-Wan will provide a significant boost to a franchise that has already sold more than 1 million units worldwide. In recent months, interest and subscriptions in Star Wars Galaxies has grown, fueled by recent game additions, as well as the connection of the game content to Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

"A lot of positive changes have taken effect since Star Wars Galaxies first launched," said Nancy MacIntyre, LucasArts' Senior Director for the game. "We've picked up quite a few new fans and reintroduced many others to the game, especially since the Rage of the Wookiees expansion in May. Trials of Obi-Wan will only further this positive momentum."

For more information on Trials of Obi-Wan and the entire Star Wars Galaxies experience, please visit

Author:  Romsuiag [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:38 pm ]
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we can't think of a better planet to add to Star Wars Galaxies than Mustafar
I can...about a dozen of them

Author:  Angelus [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:21 pm ]
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Hate to say it but I think is the final nail in the coffin for me. Went back to try it and attained my jedidom. Was fun for a while but same ol' same ol' bugs and slowness to the game.

These coupled with this newly announced expansion leaves me little desire to come back.

Author:  Dragon Fire [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:30 pm ]
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Seeing as most of the quests arn't anything to write home about lets add 50 more weak ones on a planet that no fan has ever hoped would be in the game cause no one cares about it.

Mustafar colonists present many exciting trials of their own, too, as Trials of Obi-Wan includes more than 50 new quests for the galaxy's bravest adventurers, from rescue missions to the exploration of a crashed Republic cruiser. Many quests also revolve around a prominent figure from Star Wars ® : Knights of the Old Republic ® who returns 4,000 years after his prime with one simple mission in mind: Eliminate all meatbags.

I thought this was set in post eps IV....4000years how, why, and do i care?

I say again worse expansion ever...SOE/LA are trying to milk her for all shes worth before SWG simply rolls over and dies

Author:  Cyrus Rex [ Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:36 pm ]
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Stop with all the Jedi madness. What is already in the game is too much. Get the other promissing parts of the game tight with content and fixes before you add more jedi BS to the game. .

For example, what is the smugglying, crime planet/moon with all the hutts? Make that planet be the expansion planet, and tie it in with a massive smuggler revamp. The smuggler improvements would be part of the existing game, but the planet will an expansion for everyone to enjoy... expecialy the smugglers. Have a huge themepark, many great quests, and new items.

Author:  iJasonT [ Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:02 am ]
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yep have to agree. I have zero interest in returning. It is sad but this just adds to my conviction that SWG and I are quitsville.

Author:  Azzameen85 [ Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:49 am ]
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Cyrus Rex wrote:

Stop with all the Jedi madness. What is already in the game is too much. Get the other promissing parts of the game tight with content and fixes before you add more jedi BS to the game. .

For example, what is the smugglying, crime planet/moon with all the hutts? Make that planet be the expansion planet, and tie it in with a massive smuggler revamp. The smuggler improvements would be part of the existing game, but the planet will an expansion for everyone to enjoy... expecialy the smugglers. Have a huge themepark, many great quests, and new items.

Agree. A good addition would be a heavy update/upgrade of the smuggling. Espessially with a planet like Nal Hutta or the moon Nar Shaddaa. Smuggling fill alot of the SW universe too. They should update the space scenarios on that part and encourage people to some more of it.

They could encourage people by letting the Empire be more ruthless by incoperating taxations and more frequent raids.
Although it might seem hampering it is the daily life of SW. If you don't need to have something smuggled when you can get it at a vendor on another planet it's just a five minute trip.

Making things more nessesary. The ressourses need for a adv. X-wing for an exsample. Make it more difficult, not to extract, but to keep. Like having emperial ships scan your cargo bay frequently, like in "Freenlancer" and try to seize it if you're not allowed to have it.

Other ressourses could be impplemented like Tibanna Gas for blasters, which the empire tried to keep for them selves in the SW-universe.
Spice for buffing the players abilities etc.

My third cent

Author:  Master Edward [ Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Dragon Fire wrote:
Many quests also revolve around a prominent figure from Star Wars ® : Knights of the Old Republic ® who returns 4,000 years after his prime with one simple mission in mind: Eliminate all meatbags.

I thought this was set in post eps IV....4000years how, why, and do i care?
Hehe, this is the only good part of the entire expansion, being able to meet HK-47.

loved that droid

Author:  Angus MacGregor [ Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Yep, just what we needed.

Who cares about having working professions, or bugfixes? Who cares that Smugglers can't smuggle, or that Squad Leaders can't lead anything? Who cares that there is hardly any reason for Entertainers to exist?

As long as the Jedi get their Lava Saber, it's all golden!

The game had so much potential, but it will never realize that potential unless it's pried out of the hands of LucasArts. And since that will never happen...

Each day brings me a new reason to be glad I quit. No way in hell I'll ever go back now.

I've known about the expansion for a week (I now have some contacts who are "in the know") and it still made me sick when they announced it.

Author:  Cyrus Rex [ Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Espessially with a planet like Nal Hutta or the moon Nar Shaddaa.

/cheer Azzameen85. Those are exactly what I was thinking about. Thank you!

I read a book or two that made me fall in love with those places. Very cool and full of possibilities. They would make a lovely backdrop for some serious questing and a super-smuggler fix.

Author:  Dragon Fire [ Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:42 pm ]
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smugglers moon is as unlikely as Coruscant for the same reasons...too massive all city landscape.

Nal Hutta Would be very cool...

Author:  Cordalis [ Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:21 pm ]
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Wow, I know it's already been said in some shape or form, but that expansion is beyond stupid.

And yea..why the hell mustofar!??

What happened to adding Hoth? Shitzu...that would be a nice place to go.

And if they have to go train from the ghost of Obi-Wan...on Mustofar? Why not add DAGOBAH! and let them train from Yoda, that sits better with me. I mean the jedi nonsense is totally out of whack and stupid now so why not have them train from yoda.

I still have a couple weeks to get in and run around, but I really have no desire to. It was nice to come back and see some of the changes they've made...but the community is gone! It's just oh so sad...but that's the way it is. (What's next? D&D? woot woot!)

Author:  Dragon Fire [ Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:45 am ]
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btw i thought jedi only appeared as blue glowys to those they had a strong connection to in life

Author:  Azzameen85 [ Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:10 pm ]
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Cyrus Rex wrote:
Espessially with a planet like Nal Hutta or the moon Nar Shaddaa.

/cheer Azzameen85. Those are exactly what I was thinking about. Thank you!

I read a book or two that made me fall in love with those places. Very cool and full of possibilities. They would make a lovely backdrop for some serious questing and a super-smuggler fix.

That'll be Han Solo trilogy. Highly propable since the second and third book spendt alot of thime there. Written by A.C. Crispin. The books are:
1) Paradice Snare
2) Hutt Gamble
3) Rebel Dawn

Anyway you're correct. If they would like a jedi to train you, why not Yoda in Dagobah? Just because there isn't any technology doesn't mean it can't be interesting. But that's propably why. We already have Endor and Yavin 4. But on Yavin they could atleast add Exar Kun.

Author:  X2-PB [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:33 am ]
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Like Obi-Wan Kenobi after his death, Star Wars Galaxies has become "more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
Is it just me or is this an official admission that SWG is dead?!!! :D

Author:  iJasonT [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

X2-PB wrote:
Like Obi-Wan Kenobi after his death, Star Wars Galaxies has become "more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
Is it just me or is this an official admission that SWG is dead?!!! :D

Well if Groo has any histroical value then this would be correct. If you are dead and are to dumb to realize it then technically you are still alive and forced to wander aimlessly around the countryside you once prospered in.

Author:  Cordalis [ Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

iJasonT wrote:
technically you are still alive and forced to wander aimlessly around the countryside you once prospered in.

That kinda sounds like what I do when I'm playing SWG...kinda sad...isn't it. :lol:

Author:  Ravage [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:47 pm ]
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For the first time, since launch.... SWG account has been closed.

Author:  Rocklar [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:09 pm ]
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iJasonT wrote:
Well if Groo has any histroical value

Groo? Groo??!! Groo??!!? I love Groo comics!!! My measure of time at one point in my life was whether or not a new Groo comic was available.

'Moge gains 50 pts of Liro faction"

For all the rest of you unwashed heathen, learn about Groo.

Author:  iJasonT [ Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol Rocklar. I was a huge (massive big big big) comic dork for a long while and Groo was always there. I always loved the idea for its pure simple plot.

Man is stupid,
man dies,
man forgets he died,
man walk around.

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