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 Post subject: Avian Origins!
PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:53 pm 
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I was feeling a bit nostalgic about the Avian guild in general, and wanted to start a post about how members found or got started into the guild. I'll post my story to start, as I'm curious as to what your different entry level stories may be...

I began my Avian adventure soon after the launch of SWG. I found the Avian guild by reading the list of guilds from the Chilastra guild recruitment board on the SWG forums.

Madson and I started SWG on day 1 like many Avians with the dreams of living in the Star Wars Universe. It was around October 2003 that I scouted out and found Avian city in the vicinity of Keren, Naboo. Madson was all gung ho about becoming a superior Bounty Hunter, and I had my sights set on becoming a great crafter. We founded the company Madcord Inc. and I begun to craft as a Weaponsmith while Madson ran quests to fund our business.

I remember getting flack from the members of Avian since I was "stealing" business from the Weaponsmiths who were members of Avian. Madson was always bugging me about joining an Association but we never got around to it. Soon after, I moved my shop to a new location near the seaside city of Kaadara. Madson begun losing interest in SWG, but I was enjoying being a Master Weaponsmith. After Madson decided to leave SWG I relocated the Avian guild, which had moved to it's new location on Talus. It was then that I finally applied and became an official member of Avian T&T. I still remember seeing welcoming posts such as...."Finally"...and "What the hell took you so long"

Thanks guys! Well, that's my story...I look forward to reading any of yours if you feel like posting!

The Cord
Occasional Caretaker of the Horde Maelstrom Guild
Ex-Section 3 Director

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:55 am 
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I joined back in the days when the Founders were around, I followed a post on the official forums probably, but I really don't recall. I just remember our old site and the old forums and the simple application process and the very quick response and admittance into the PA. This was back in 2001 prior to release I was 15 years old at the time. I remember the slow disappearance of the founders not long after I joined and the changes that were made in the association to cope without their leadership.

I took over as Director for Section Six after Ricun Jalei resigned shortly after I joined the association. Since then I held many other positions within the organizations and worked on many of the changes that occurred in our charter.

Running up to release I spent time on MSN with X2, Lendo, Romsuiag, Cetera, Mantison, Reng Kole and Cyrus. Particularly X2, Lendo and I, lots of fun memories from back then and inside jokes (NP!).

I started Combat Systems Inc. which was to be a Weapons Crafting and Armor making organization within Avian at release, however I ended up joining in-game a little later and Kyp with Core Resources gave me my first million as I worked for him placing Solar harvesters.

Not long after Arindel took me under his wing as I worked on becoming an Armorsmith, as luck would have it I started as probably one of the greatest runs of useful resources began to pop. Many if not most of these resources I collected in the first few months of being an Armorsmith were the best available until I left the game and left behind stores of them for others to use.

I quickly became ridiculously wealthy via Armorcrafting and spent most of my time hunting down interesting things via auctions and trades and playing around with the combat professions and just spending time online hanging out with everyone. I remember the hunting down of skill tapes and the numerous times Wermas and Matija made me weapons with Kryat tissues I had purchased to fulfill my desire to collect pistols while I was working on that title (its sad the number of D-10's or whatever they were called that I left behind in my bank, never to be used as I never mastered Pistols before leaving the game).

I remember Lenny's hologrind and eventual jedi-ness, and the decorating of the cantina with power crystals as stage lights. Some of my fondess memories of the game involve Lenny on his back during his TKA phase and tanking for the group against large beasts.

I quit shortly after JTLS came out the replay value was deteriorating for me and I could have gone on armorcrafting for ever, but I didn't need the credits and the combat side of the game was lacking. I sealed up my houses put several million in their maintained, granted access to various people who need or wanted access to my stuff and then surrendered all my Armorsmithing skills so I would never be tempted to return.

I loved the community we created within the game, our city from Cyrus's house full of themepark items, Kyp's Cantina, the core resources tent, the warehouse and factory district and the time we spent in our little corner of the galaxy. Avian took a game that was mediocre and turned it into something great for period of time.

I could go on but thats how I came to Avian, played the game and stayed all this time....end sappy tale...[/quote]

Ryric Krael
Former Vice President AGN
Former Director, Section 6
Former Head of Department of the Treasury
Ask not what your PA can do for you, but what you can do for your PA
"Gone Section Five"

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:10 pm 
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GREAT post idea Cord! Been feeling a bit of nostalgia myself lately, wondering where it all went.

I am, however, highly disappointed in not getting an honorable mention in DF's post. :P

I joined, I think, about a year after DragonFire, as I remember the 16 year old twerp being my section director, and Ricun was deputy section leader, but was never around from the time I joined.

I found Avian initially by doing a search for a group that was associated with the old X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter game. For whatever reason, I ran across Avian instead, and I hadn't even heard of Star Wars Galaxies at the time, and honestly I think I only had a vague understanding of what an MMO was.

After lurking for a couple weeks and posting now and again, asking questions about this new game that was to come out "sometime soon," (which turned out to be about 2 more years), people like DF, Mantison, Arindel, Cyrus, X2, Vor, Romsuiag, Angus, Ravage and Orbital made up the tapestry of the very colorful Avian Tech & Trade Association that I soon became a part of. The mythology of "the founders" that was long gone by the time I got here, was an intriguing backstory, told in revered whispers, to this family that I had found.

The politics of Avian at the time was what really interested me. The section system that we had then created a great friendly "sibling rivalry" among the sections that gave us all something to do besides sit and twiddle our thumbs until beta went live.

I eventually ousted my former master in true Sith style (apologies DF!), and became the Section Leader for S6, which of course was then and always has been the most distinguished section in Avian. I kept DF on as my subordinate to keep him in his place. :P Together we made quite the administrative team. We published the greatest weekly status reports known to man. Good lord we were dorks.

Another fond memory from back in pre-release days was the RP forum where Vor and Angus and several others crafted some of the greatest fan-fiction I've ever read. Vor had his story of his character's rise into existence that was told in such a that it made you really believe that this guy really was an alien. And of course, every so often you would get another installment of the "Smuggler's Blues" about Angus and his lady-ship, telling the story of a struggling smuggler's challenge to scrape by and deal with the pain of life. There were others too, but those are the ones I remember most.

I remember all the planning, and the excitement leading up to beta, and then release. I remember running around the big cities selling crafted starting pistols (whatever they were called) for outrageous prices, simply because they had a different name, like "Talon's Super-duper Raygun of Death" or some crap like that. Ahh... those were the days.

I, like the others, could go on, but that's what I remember most from the "good ole' days."

"Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But the tumult soon subsides." - Thomas Paine, Common Sense

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:19 pm 
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CDEF Pistol.

The Cord
Occasional Caretaker of the Horde Maelstrom Guild
Ex-Section 3 Director

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:32 pm 
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I ran across AT&T on the SWG forums somehow. Joined up a few years before launch. I was very active on the official forums, and I devoured all the SWG news I could get my hands on.

I remember the RP forums with fondness. I had a full backstory on Mantison the urban doctor / medical researcher Bothan.

I was lucky enough to get into what was really Alpha testing on SWG very early on... I was there for the day long disconnect fests on Saturdays where we all chatted in the Launcher Chat window waiting for 5 minutes on Tattoine to line up and shoot at a Beach Umbrella that would never die.

I Beta'd like a mad man, running numbers, and working with the other Avian testers to set up the guild in game, and working on our opening day plans to get a PA set up ASAP. Sadly, the game was never better than it was in mid Beta stages, back when they were sticking to their original design plans.

I began as a real crafter, actually had "Industrialist" XP from the first few weeks of the game, before they took that out.

I ran a clothing store in our town outside of Keren. Eventually, I gave up the crafting gig with Mantison, and become a Commando/TKA. Jesus Mantison was a badass back then... I remember competing with Lenny to get the highest crits with our Flamethrowers....

I then become a smuggler when we moved to Talus, and set up a Player Operated "Mission" system for other smugglers that was alot of fun. I ran three accounts for a while, with a master crafter / tailor Wookie, and a master doctor / entertainer buffbot Twi'lek.

I had a decked out luxury ship done up like the Serenity from Firefly.

Then, the game just lost me. The switch to the "NGE" or whatever ruined the game, IMHO, and I left (although I would come back from time to time, never for long).

I then moved on to EQ2, but that didn't last long, and I joined the WoW guild soon after. WoW was amazing, and I had a blast with all the Avians, but mostly my "static" group of Guds, Titanus, Tonamok, Arindel, and Aegnor. Then we hit MC and met up with new friends, and Darcy and Bill became fast friends of mine. I ran two characters to 70, and one more to 65 when I finally burnt out on WoW about halfway between BC and the newest expansion, mostly because all my friends quit playing, and I didn't want to make new friends or play by myself.

Since then, I have quit gaming on the PC, and picked up an XBox 360. I will always think of myself as an Avian, even if I never play another MMO with anyone from the group.

This is a great group of folks, and I think of you all as friends. Thanks for the good times.

Last edited by Mantison Tau'rus on Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:29 am 
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Ousted!!! I'll have you know I retired! Served 5 terms (and 4 as a deputy), and only lost 1 election by 1 vote to Mantison during my first re-election campaign (after replacing Ricun). I went over to the DEFA (Department of Economic and Foreign Affairs) after retiring from the BoD and the Department of the Treasury, until I served as VP under Talon.

You took over from Red after he went AWOL part way through his term.

PS the old section archive still has the old election results from wayy back (not all of em, we had many elections prior to the systems invention).

I found a bunch of my old Avian Files, and I am still missing taxes from many of you, if you could pay at all haste to support our PA hall that would be great :lol:


Oh the RP forum, Vor's stories were amazing, I was quite sad when we lost all those and Vor disappeared they were quite a good read.

If you go to http://www.avian-gamers.net/screen_display.php?screen=1 and click through theres a lot of old pictures (about 27 of em) from group hunts and other things.

Remember the problem childs of Section Five :)

I love how these nostalgic threads come up once every year or so :)

Ryric Krael
Former Vice President AGN
Former Director, Section 6
Former Head of Department of the Treasury
Ask not what your PA can do for you, but what you can do for your PA
"Gone Section Five"

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:30 pm 
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Cordalis wrote:
CDEF Pistol.

Heh I sold mine last month when I was on trial.

Some guy who was master level wanted to purchase it from me. So he gave me 5k creds for it...

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:32 pm 
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Great thread, I will post my origins next week when things cool down at work.

Someone tell the story of the other PA chat we were spying on. I’ll tell what I can remember, but I love it when you guys tell the story. So fill in the details, I am sure I have parts of it wrong.

I think it was Me, Cetera and DF, but I could be wrong. We all covertly sign into another PA’s IM meeting. Halfway through I get an IM from their leader who starts relentlessly interrogating me. They are on to me for being a spy, they have all kinds of inside information on me. I’m Mavis typing in like 6 different fast conversations at once, I have a couple conversations going on with their members, some with their leaders, at the same time my Avian counterparts are making me recap everything back to them. I was so busted, and I start freaking out. This goes on forever, Come to find out the interrogator was DF, and not their PA leaders after all. They made me do all that double typing and panicking for nothing. It was hilarious when it was all over, but I almost had a hart attack in the middle of it.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:03 pm 
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I’m Mavis typing in like 6 different fast conversations

ROFL!!!! :lol:

"Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But the tumult soon subsides." - Thomas Paine, Common Sense

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:11 pm 
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super long wish I could spoiler tag it like other forums but here ya go

It was on another PA's IRC chat room and Cyrus decided to go all spy...and this is what happened - PA name x'd out due to this being gen chat :)

Chat Transcript from xxxxx IRC chat room - don't ask why we were there.

And the follow up on the MSN messenger convo that X2, Cyrus, Lendo and Dragon Fire(me) were involved in discusing some issues

<RyricKrael> yo.
<ScramJet> hello
<ScramJet> I am looking into you PA ......I may want to join if I like the comunity
<RyricKrael> that is nice...
<RyricKrael> i noticed ur Ip address...
<RyricKrael> it matchs that of a guy named Cyrus Rex...a member of Avian Technology and Trade..Board of Director Member and Leader of Core Resources...
<<IRC Error No such nick>>
<RyricKrael> i noticed ur Ip address...
<RyricKrael> it matchs that of a guy named Cyrus Rex...a member of Avian Technology and Trade..Board of Director Member and Leader of Core Resources...
<ScramJet> hello, we just had a power outage
<ScramJet> That is my husband
<RyricKrael> ahh
<ScramJet> He wants me to join them, but I want to be a smuggler and I am not sure his PA wants smugglers
<RyricKrael> ahh
<ScramJet> Do you accept smugglers
<RyricKrael> Yes we do
<ScramJet> I figured they would do a lot of transportation
<ScramJet> and get contraband in adn out when need be
<RyricKrael> yes they would be good for transfering things around
<ScramJet> I hope I did not get my husband in trouble
<ScramJet> I have my own computer, but it was off
<ScramJet> so I jumped on his
<RyricKrael> not at all
<ScramJet> What do you knoe of his PA?
<ScramJet> He likes it
<ScramJet> But he is biased
<RyricKrael> Ahh..they are neutral and will probably fall
<ScramJet> are you larger?
<RyricKrael> Yes
<ScramJet> how many smugglers do you have?
<RyricKrael> Enough Cyrus
<RyricKrael> i know u are not ur wife
<RyricKrael> lol
<End IRC>

Scott (Lendo) says:
is anyone getting as much hell from one of these guys as I am?

Dragon Fire says:

Cyrus Rex says:

Dragon Fire says:
whats happing

Cyrus Rex says:
they figured out I was Cyrus

Scott (Lendo) says:

Dragon Fire says:

Dragon Fire says:
so what are u doing

Scott (Lendo) says:
how did they do that

Cyrus Rex says:
Telling him that I am my wife

Dragon Fire says:
yea i know

Scott (Lendo) says:
that is so funny

Dragon Fire says:

Scott (Lendo) says:
that is DF

Dragon Fire says:

Dragon Fire says:

Scott (Lendo) says:

Dragon Fire says:
<ScramJet> But he is biased
<RyricKrael> Ahh..they are neutral and will probably fall
<ScramJet> are you larger?
<RyricKrael> Yes

Dragon Fire says:

Dragon Fire says:

Scott (Lendo) says:

Scott (Lendo) says:

Cyrus Rex says:
how can you get thet?

Dragon Fire says:
its me Cyrus

Dragon Fire says:
i equal Ryric

Cyrus Rex says:

Dragon Fire says:

Scott (Lendo) says:

Dragon Fire says:
look at my profile on the Avian board

Cyrus Rex says:
you had me scared shittless

Dragon Fire says:
i know

Dragon Fire says:
im cracking up

Scott (Lendo) says:
how come no one brought Chris back in here

Chris (X2-PB a.k.a. Yoda) has been added to the conversation.

Cyrus Rex says:
I can hardly breath3

Dragon Fire says:
get in here

Scott (Lendo) says:

Dragon Fire says:

Dragon Fire says:
neither can i

Scott (Lendo) says:
really it was that bad?

Dragon Fire says:
lol i sent u transcript Lendo

Chris (X2-PB a.k.a. Yoda) says:
ay? why can't you breath?
Cyrus Rex says:

Scott (Lendo) says:
DF played a trick on him in the xxxPAxxx IRC
<End Relavent MSN chat>

Ryric Krael
Former Vice President AGN
Former Director, Section 6
Former Head of Department of the Treasury
Ask not what your PA can do for you, but what you can do for your PA
"Gone Section Five"

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:37 pm 
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ROFL.. that's the first time I've actually seen the transcript. I love that story though!

"Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But the tumult soon subsides." - Thomas Paine, Common Sense

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:33 am 
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I wish I had kept transcripts from all the other conversations that were going on simultaneously. It almost killed me.

How I wound up in Avian...

It all started a long time before SWG was released, I am guessing 1998 .An old forgotten friend of my brothers came by my house, and he talked about a Star Wars MMO that was being made where you could play as Darth Maul. I don’t even think Phantom Menace was released yet, but trailers were on TV. I tried searching for it later that night but found nothing. Every few months I would search for this mythical game; a long time passed, possibly a year or more before I finally found the SWG website.

I read up about the game, but much of it was vague. I also read some fan fiction about the life of an average Joe Imperial Mechanic. I was fascinated about being an average guy living in the galaxy far far away. That story sealed the deal; I decided I wanted to be some kind of crafter. Reading the forums, and searching the web for crafting Player Associations I ran across Avian Technology and Trade.

I researched Avian Technology and Trade for a few weeks. I submitted my application and waited, waited, and waited some more. This was just after 9-11 so it was 2001, and the founders had just gone awol. I guess I bitched and complained enough because after months of waiting, the Board of Directors elected themselves the powers to approve membership. Thus the birth of the BoD, which I think is what made Avian and pre-SWG so great.

The speculating, planning, and whatnot before SWG release was awesome. After 3 or 6 months I was made Director of Section 3. We spend huge amounts of time designing our city, planning our companies, and establishing rules, like I said it was awesome. Early on some people thought each section was to do a certain crafting aspect, however do to the random nature of section assignment I saw a problem with this line of thinking interfering with our freedom as players. Thus I officially formed the mining company Core Resources with the thoughts of breaking away from Avian should anyone force me to play a role other than my own choosing. I never had to break away because Avian choose to embraced player companies.

Core Resources was a mining company I formed. The idea was to focus on mining, locating a variety of resources, and supply crafters with all their resource needs. SWG bugs hit CR early on. During the first month my house vanished along with untold amounts of resources. Then the vendor bugs constantly haunted consumers confidence when making transactions. Then somehow the server allowed another player to take the name Cyrus. He was Cyrus Black, and he became my nemesis. You never knew if you were getting him or me when you sent tells and mail. During my reign of CR at its peak we had over 20 employees mining for us.

In my mind Avian’s two greatest periods in SWG had to be our race to create our PA hall, and the race to build our City Hall. We were so organized for both, we had everything planned out. I think we were the second PA on our server to create a PA hall, but unlike the other guys we completed the project with tons of useful factories, mines, and houses to be dispersed amongst all our members. I remember groups of us noobs being pinned down by mobs when making our harvester rounds, and we had to call in the cavalry to take them out. That is hilarious considering how low level those mobs were. I also remember fields of Medium Harvesters belonging to Avian. It was alsome having them so early while everyone else had the small polluting ones.

Later the Developers underestimated the time it would take us players to build a City Hall. They thought it would take weeks, it took minutes. We had an awesome spot located on Naboo, however the planet limit was reached because people created cities just outside of the major cities.

I quit SWG when they took developers off SWG to finalize JtL. SOE had promised they had a second developer team working on JtL, and they would not take developers off SWG until the bugs were fixed. They lied, so I quit. I never got the chance to see /pistolmeleedefence4 work. Kyp kept CR running for a very long time after I quit the game.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:53 am 
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Who got stuck in the basement of our PA hall?

After the PA hall was created we deeded up all the factories and harvesters and placed them in the basement. It was an amazing sight, but unbeknownst to us and the developers, there was a bug with limit of items you could place in a structure. When the item limit was exceeded the turbolift controls to get out of the basement ceased to function. So we had a guy stuck in the basement for a very long time. He could not get out, and we could not go down and see all our deeds. When GMs offered to teleport him out he refused because he feared we would loose all those deeds. That was hilarious. Players would come by because they wanted to see the PA Hall with the guy stuck in the basement.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:03 pm 
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LOL... remember hunting those huge dinosaur things Cy? Faambas or something like that... we used to try to lure them into a city and get them stuck and then plug away until they'd topple. Awesome.

I forget who it was that got stuck, but I remember it happening. Was it dbakke??

"Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But the tumult soon subsides." - Thomas Paine, Common Sense

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 1:48 pm 
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No it wasn't dbakke. I seem to recall the name starting with "R" but heck if I can remember the full name.

I remember Zorrukk and I going on Fambaa (and other creature) hunts on Keren. Damn were some of those encounters fun.

While these reminiscing (sp?) threads are fun, I cannot help but have my thoughts turn to anger at the SWG Devs.

I'll try and post my "origins" thread later. Very busy at work at the moment.

"I built me a bomb and dropped it on every MFer who got in my way!"

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:10 pm 

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I love reading these posts, but it also upsets me as I feel bad for missing out on so much of the fun.

I started playing SWG well after release, somewhere around 9-12 months or so after. At the time I was playing D2 with some guys from The Amazon Basin. Many of them were also playing SWG on Chilastra. I joined up with them and really had blast trying out my first mmo. For the most part, mostly because of my schedule at the time, I was playing a lot of solo so I built more or less a hunter.

I did a ton of gathering for the AB crafters and started making some good money and truly having a blast. Well then, of course, many of them left the game and I started looking for a guild.

As it happened. I was doing some gathering for one of Avians crafters, and I really wish I could remember who. I saw the recruitment post on the official forums and applied. For the most part, things were pretty dead by then. But it was still cool being around and getting at least a feel for the glory days of ATT.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:11 pm 
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My first wife was the one who found about SWG while she was hanging out on the Black Isle Studios message boards. She told me about the game and after doing some research I ran across AT&T probably in late May or June.

I was very impressed by the organization that was already going on so I decided to join in July.

Then I remember a ton of us got into Beta 3 (I still have my disks). I can remember everyone around the old PA hall doing the gathering for resources.

Angelus I remember those Fambaa hunts well, also later in the game I remember the Krayt hunts.

I worked for CR for quite a long time before I decided to become a MD and needed my lots for making buff packs. The I decided I needed a second account so I had 2 accounts for awhile.

So many great memories playing that game. I left a few months after JtL was released.

Was it Warnel Redd that got stuck?

Mantison Tau'rus wrote:
Since then, I have quit gaming on the PC, and picked up an XBox 360. I will always think of myself as an Avian, even if I never play another MMO with anyone from the group.

This is a great group of folks, and I think of you all as friends. Thanks for the good times.

I couldn't have said this better.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:25 pm 
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Remember the slogan "Bringing the Galaxy together, one Planet at a time."?

Also look at our 18th main page going back to June 2001

SWTOR - Spicerunner Legacy - Smuggler Image - RETIRED
Rift - Decipher - Paragon - RETIRED | WAR - Frenzyof Energy - Shaman - RETIRED
WoW - Fire Mage - RETIRED | SWG - Weaponsmith - RETIRED
MMOGGLER™ for online gamers

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:35 am 
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Deak Almar wrote:
Remember the slogan "Bringing the Galaxy together, one Planet at a time."?

Also look at our 18th main page going back to June 2001

Huh... I didn't realise I was among the first 100 members...
And I choose the name Ace Azzameen at the time... kinda embarrasing.

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:28 pm 
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Deak Almar wrote:
Remember the slogan "Bringing the Galaxy together, one Planet at a time."?

Also look at our 18th main page going back to June 2001

haha, love the old posts...I remember being thrilled to see the new 360's of the races when they added them.

The Cord
Occasional Caretaker of the Horde Maelstrom Guild
Ex-Section 3 Director

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:00 pm 
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I'll have to come back and read this, but wanted to chirp in with my memories.

The guy who was stuck in the PA basement, I thought it was Forum-Morgan/char-Graak.
Remember when there were 2 guys on the server with the name Cyrus (when the name was suppose to be unique) and they kept bouncing each other around?

I remember getting the 1 day crafting patch that allowed me to make 43% resistant Stun gear. I couldn't find anyone to make me fiberplast panels so I had to make everything I could by hand.

Dalaran: Arindel - Frost Mage (Mining/Alchemy)
Dalaran: Roran - Paladin (Weaponsmith/Blacksmith)
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:40 pm 
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Although I actually do enjoy reading the SWG stories....again......I started this thread because I wanted to read about how people 'found' Avian. Damn you people! :lol:

The Cord
Occasional Caretaker of the Horde Maelstrom Guild
Ex-Section 3 Director

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:29 pm 
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Cordalis wrote:
Although I actually do enjoy reading the SWG stories....again......I started this thread because I wanted to read about how people 'found' Avian. Damn you people! :lol:

If I said by coincidence would it be sufficient?

Actually it was. I was searching the net for info about Star Wars in general and searched on google or yahoo and searched for star wars games or somthing like that...

The fourth or fifth entry showed "SWG-Avian" that talked about a group of people and this new Star Wars Galaxies...

I clicked...
And was ekstremely annoyed that all the topics were so interesting so I registred and applied without second thoughts...
Was accepted within two or three days...

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

 Post subject: Re: Avian Origins!
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:18 am 
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I suppose I ought to add to this at some point! I'll write something up when I get time!


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Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
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 Post subject: Re: Avian Origins!
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:45 pm 
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I can't remember if I had met Robert at the SWG Fan fest first, or when I was lobbying you guys to Tusken's Bane when you were moving from Talus.

The very first time I ever ran into Avian was at a raffle you were holding at Avian City on Talus. Everyone met on the main drag, droids were walking around, and a lot of small and medium houses and harvesters went to people that day. We (us visitors from the guild MG) had a fun time!

 Post subject: Re: Avian Origins!
PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:00 pm 
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I came here following a French friend from IRC (nicjac, who was a friend of slugeater).
I immediately felt home, as you can see in my application thread :)

I joined SWG as soon as I could (time to get the game sent to me etc etc), and was a noob for quite a long time, standing at like 10k credits max...

Those were the days when I thought the game and this new guild would be great. Only one has really been :)


Farm with attitude.

 Post subject: Re: Avian Origins!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:54 pm 
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Thanks for the shout-outs, Cyrus and DF. And Cyrus, I think I was tangentially involved with the spying, but couldn't get in to the chat. I was pestering you for details, as I recall.

Ah, what a trip down memory lane. I miss the old days so much...

I honestly don't remember how I found Avian. I know it was around the same time Cyrus and Mantison joined up. We would chat on the public boards, waiting to be admitted. I remember reading lots and lots of stuff on the official boards about the game too. I'm sure I followed someone from the official boards back to Avian.

It was a great time. I remember spending countless hours online, chatting, emailing, and generally making a nuisance of myself. There were a few of us that had high activity and high excitement levels that, in a sense, kind of "took over" and forced Avian to come alive again after the founders were MIA.

We understood the direction the founders were taking Avian, trying to make a virtual "government" that would be an online haven from the morass that seemed to be taking over. I remember forming the BoD, and then spending hours sending emails back and forth between Cyrus, Mantison, and myself, trying to draft the documents of Avian's rules and by-laws, and trying to make sure we didn't over or under regulate.

I remember reading the crafting documents by Reng Kole, was it, on the official site? Cheering him on, and helping out in discussions here and there. I remember one big one where I basically had to jump in as a free-market economist, and the fun that ensued with that. Lots of arguing on the boards at that time.

I remember so much time spent on IMs with everyone, especially Antan/X2. He was my psuedo-arch enemy from crazy Section 5. We'd argue over BoD stuff constantly, and trade the Board/Deputy spots every election, it seemed like. It was great. I remember voice chatting with him a couple of times via the MSN Messenger IM interface, and that was new and exciting.

I actually met Rocklar once, in Cheyenne, WY I believe it was. We agreed to meet there as he was working for Fujifilm at that point, and I was in Laramie, WY going to college. He's the only Avian I've ever met in RL, and it was great. He had managed to get into the closed Beta (alpha) and it was only a week or so into it. He wouldn't tell me much, taking his NDA seriously.

We had a couple of years of great fun before the game ever came out. Then the first weeks after launch were the best, most fun, most exciting I've ever had playing any game, ever. We were so organized, so efficient, and just kicking ass and taking names. Had crews around the clock, each working on components and materials for the PA hall. Manually mining, running, mining, harvest runs. Calling in the cavalry for the level 5 mobs that would crush us. Great times. I made a lot of really great friends that I've since lost touch with.

I might still have a lot of the emails from then saved somewhere, if I can still access them. I may have to see if I can go dig those up. The years I was a member of Avian prior to the release, and then immediately following the release, were the most fun I've had online ever too. We had the best group of people to be found anywhere. We just needed something to bring us together, and a little trickle of info to get our imaginations working, and we just went like mad, burning the candle at both ends. Our ideas far exceeded anything that could ever be brought to light in a game, but it seemed with Raph that the sky was the limit in this game. The dev care kit we all chipped in for and sent to the devs, along with Avian branded items from cafepress, was another great activity we all worked for. The amount of effort we could put forth as a group working towards a common goal was truly amazing. It was such a great group of people, and such a wonderful feeling of camaraderie existed... It was just a special time.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

 Post subject: Re: Avian Origins!
PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 1:56 am 
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If there's a thread to necro-post in, this is it!

I discovered Avian by first discovering the crafter's bible. I'm sorry to say I'm not positive which Avian was the author (Vor, was it?) but do clearly remember getting incredibly revved up thinking about creating stuff within the game. While my imagined experience wasn't exactly like my actual experience, the game led me to Avian - my first experience with a group that actually spoke my language and understood why we always needed "just one more turn" before turning off the computer.

I have a couple strong online friendships (more than seven years old!) that began through Avian and can think of many others that I got to know pretty well over the years. Cetera mentioned meeting IRL and I had a chance to meet quite a few Avians when I was doing a lot of travel for work. In addition to the aforementioned Wyoming native (didn't we go see the second Matrix movie with that girl from ND?), I've had a chance to hang with Moge (Chicago tour-guide extraordinaire), Yak (Pentagon guide extraordinaire), Arindel (dang near a neighbor!) and Romsuiag (Avian Technology and Trade's most unflappable president). The latter two have even been to my house for a LAN party!

Here's to our origins and may our experiences since then guide us on our path for tomorrow.

"The english language is not a wedding gown, it doesn't get better the more lace you add. It is instead a thong. Less is more." From /.
I need to remind myself of this regularly.

 Post subject: Re: Avian Origins!
PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:51 pm 
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Oh man! I've been away far too long!!!

Awesome thread, and thanks for the necro on this!

Tetran wrote:
I can't remember if I had met Robert at the SWG Fan fest first, or when I was lobbying you guys to Tusken's Bane when you were moving from Talus.

The very first time I ever ran into Avian was at a raffle you were holding at Avian City on Talus. Everyone met on the main drag, droids were walking around, and a lot of small and medium houses and harvesters went to people that day. We (us visitors from the guild MG) had a fun time!

Yeah, we met first at Fan Fest, and pretty soon after that Avian was in a bit of disarray, hardly anybody was in Avian City, and the Tusken's Bane move seemed like a good chance to revitalize both groups (and it almost worked. lol)

I was cruising the interwebz and did my "search" for Star Wars trying to find out information about "The Phantom Menace" I believe, when I found the Official SWG forums. That was a month or so after they opened the first forums. Not even sure if I posted anything at the time, but I signed up. A few months later I found the forums again and was intrigued by the discussions going on, and from that moment I was hooked. I started following a lot of the regulars and enjoyed the discourse there. Sluggy and I had a few discussions, and LazyAmy and I had a few. At some point shortly before BETA started I realized that I really should join a PA before release so I looked into Sluggy's PA and realized that LA was also a member. I applied and didn't hear anything for quite a while. Just about the time BETA started I heard back and became a member. Although Avian didn't have the largest presence in the initial BETA, we had lots of friends there from TCO as well as a PA I can't remember the name of (which is sad because Raam and I tried to revive it when I was dethrowned here ;) ). I really enjoyed the early days with the PA as Reng Cole's VP, then as VP. We had a lot of Disagreements in the Government back then, but for the most part it stayed respectful.

I think one of the things I liked best with Avian was how people pulled together. As odd as it was, the initial betrayal in getting our first PA Hall built and placed was not only the darkest event to occur in AT&T, but it was also the most unifying.It was nice to see everyone pulling together after those events to get Avian City formed.

"Loose with Dignity"
Second President, Avian Gamers

DDO - Cannith - AlistairItor - Rogue/Ranger (5/3) - Main
DDO - Cannith - Guijanitor - Paladin/Rogue (4/1)
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