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 Post subject: Emu updates
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:44 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:13 pm
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Bi-Weekly Update 6/30/08
1) Update Overview: (TOC)
-Lair Updates
-Status of Missions
-Combat tweaks and additions
-New Admin Commands / System
-Script Changes
-Image Designer progress

2) Body:

Lair Updates:
The old lair code was revised and overhauled by panchjr. Lair's can now be spawned through LUA script, which will tie in nicely with mission scripts. Those interested in spawning their own lairs should take a look at the code/scripts added in this commit.


Status of Missions:

The mission manager class is well under way. I (Ramsey) am responsible for doing this and currently revising the "Mission map" used for keeping track of the available missions and assigning them to players. I am testing out a method I have devised with this map to save object ID space, and overall decrease memory usage significantly.

To elaborate, SOE treats each mission like an individual object in the world (like creatures, players, items etc). While doing this fits nicely into their current protocol and object scheme, it can be an extreme waste of server resources if handled the way I suspect they do on the official servers. Normally, each object in the world is assigned a unique ID, instanced, and deployed into the world. Imagine assigning an ID and instancing EACH mission for EVERY player that needs it....that's resources we are not willing to spare for a trivial object such as a mission.

Instead of doing the same with mission objects in Core3, I have decided to only initialize missions once with their own key (thats unquie & descriptive - set in script) and simply reuse the object for every player that needs it. The initialization would only take place if the mission is even required in the entire galaxy, of course. The key would be a small abbreviation that can identify each mission from one another, for example "Ramsey's Delivery II" could have the key of "rd2" (the server would obviously check for key collisions). Each mission in use by active players would be inserted into the object pool ONCE with ONE object id for every player to reference. The SOE method would keep track of mission progress by the individual object ID, which would mean every single player that is on the mission would have their own mission in the object pool. While it may be slightly easier to keep track of progress this way, it is by no means the only way to go about doing things.

Now, if we are treating a players mission the same as everyone else - how will we keep track of individual mission progress?

Aside from tweaking the mission map stuff, I am drafting methods to make a "checkpoint" system work. At certain intervals - or portions of the mission - a "checkpoint" is saved at the server/database. The goal of the checkpoint system is to save the most accurate state of a player's journey throughout a mission while cutting down on the resources required to do so. Overall, saving a missions progress is fairly easy as far as the server is concerned. The only thing the server needs to worry about is saving the 3-4 byte "key" and a byte for a corresponding mission checkpoint. Whenever a player connects, the server pull's the mission state data and with those 4-5 bytes of data, find's the mission object needed with the key (which is linked the current mission's world object ID) and at what point the player left off at (checkpoint byte). The mission object, which is only in the object pool once, is sent to the client and appropriate checkpoint items are spawned. Much better than inserting a new object into the zone for every player that is on "Ramsey's Delivery II", isn't it?

To sum up the system:
Each mission object is treated as one entity as far as the server is concerned, no matter how many players are on the particular mission. The general information about the same mission is distributed to every player that needs it under the same object ID, while the state of a mission per individual is filled in later using a "checkpoint" system. The usage of a new mission state/checkpoint system eliminates the need to insert the same mission object into the pool, which in SOE servers has been used to store the mission state. Using the same object in the server cut's down on the number of objects the server has in the pool, therefore directly decreasing the amount of system resources used.


Combat tweaks and additions:

Commit 415 and 414.

Kellina, Arioch, Smusatto (and others, I'm assuming) have made big contributions to the combat related scripts; updating with correct skill ranges, adding the majority of combat spams, and fixing a few skills. What made SWG PreCU so magical was how "correct" and balanced the entire game was (from what I've heard ). Updating scripts which require no programming knowledge go a long way into perfecting the overall PreCU picture. We encourage SWG players of all kinds (casual to hardcore) to look through scripts and fill any pieces of data with correct values. We cannot stress enough the fact that ANYONE can contribute to the project, regardless of skill with computers/programming. You are a submit a way to creating a better precu!


New Admin Commands / System:

Commit 406 and 410.

We touched base on developments in the Admin field last update, which is still continuously being improved. Two new commands have been added and we have changed the admin listing system to be pulled from a file, instead of in a cryptic if statement. Kellina and bobius are behind the following changes:

@summon: The ability to summon a player to the admin...for further questioning.

@warpPlayer: The ability to warp a player to the nearest starport, hotel, shuttleport, medical center, bank, garage, or salon.
usage: @warpPlayer <SUPPLY PLAYERNAME OR CURRENT TARGET> <starport> <hotel> <shuttle> <medical> <bank> <garage> <salon>

@grantAdmin / @removeAdmin: The ability for current admins to grant a player temporary admin rights.
usage: @grantAdmin / @removeAdmin <Player Name>

Server admin's are no longer listed in an if statement, but now pulled from a list on server start. The "adminusers.lst" file (located in the bin directory) contains the names of server admins the server will grant admin rights to.


Script Changes:

Commit 413.

The never ending flavor of the week: Script additions. The Core3 scripting system will always be improved, and there is no escaping it! Scripting will be the driving force behind SWG content - and its surprisingly easy to contribute something to the project using scripts. Bobius has converted every single lua item to an object oriented format for the sake of unity and maintainability. Future server admin: You should seriously be taking a look at scripting development and familiarizing yourself with them. If you haven't taken a look at the scripts in awhile, I highly recommend you browse them sometime this week and see if there is anything you can improve/add - it really isn't hard!


Image Designer progress:

Commit 408.

McMahon has been chipping away at Image Designer, if you haven't noticed for the last month+. He now has color changes and tip amount showing up. Commit 408 also contains various internal improvements, which can be viewed in finer detail using the link above. If you see McMahon on IRC - Image Designers (well, everyone really) should be thanking him for his hard work and continued persistence in the area. ID ftw?



It's always nice to see old faces return to the scene. Zstars from the RevZ/Core1 days makes an awesome return with the start of Cloning interfaces/classes in the Core3 code. He is currently working on basic cloning stuff in ticket #139. You can track his progress by regularly looking into that ticket. His ticket is an excellent show of the beauty in the trac system. Wish him luck in the area of cloners - hopefully we'll see the ticket bearing ingame/TC fruit soon!


3) Developer Perspective: ("Round Table")


Well I hope I filled everyone in as to what I'm doing right now, so hopefully I'll have rough pieces of the final product to show in the next update. If for any reason the wording used in my mission explanation is not clear/flawed and confusion is created, send me a PM in IRC.

Personal life (This stuff was requested so I'll try to make it a habit to post anything of interest that is going on with me outside the internet world):

I will be in Virginia from 6/1 - 6/8 checking out places and getting familiar with the area (see my previous round table entries for moving info). I'm not sure on whether or not I will have access to the internet, so worst case scenario I'll pop in at baggage claim on the 1st and 8th (between some rounds of CSS, of course). I will continue to work on some of the mission stuff, although I'm not sure how long a single compile would take on a laptop. It takes 8 - 10 minutes on my desktop, so I'm assuming the flight over would be a good time to find out.

I am back from my two weeks working in Madrid and ready to rejoin the fray.

My main priority is to sort out despawning of lairs as this is not working properly at the moment. Currently only static lair spawns are implemented so my next priority will be to implement dynamic spawning of lairs for the mission team and a @spawnLair command for testing.

I've had a few people ask me why I haven't been around as often lately, so I guess I should fill everyone in. I haven't left the project or anything. I'm managing a summer camp in Mississippi. As you can imagine that is very time consuming, so I haven't been able to update as often or hang around on IRC. I'll be back in full capacity starting August 1st. When I return, expect quick development on a leveling system.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been on vacation and my summer classes are killing me. I have rewritten most of the crafting system to include a number of changes. I expect to be able to show it on the next update *crosses fingers*. It is pretty dang exciting.

I just got back from a vacation in Zihuatanejo, Mexico - so no progress to report in the last two weekends. I hope to get a good chunk of the sliders done for Image Designer this upcoming weekend. I might be needing some warm bodies *cough* I mean qualified research and testing personnel to help with some research - so grab me on IRC Saturday/Sunday (7/5, 7/6) morning if you can help.

4) Closing:

Welcome Back

If you haven't noticed, over the week Smusatto and PhantomLeader were away on vacations, They both returned about two days ago, so everyone here at SWGEmu would like to welcome them back from their trips


We have been following this update format for a few months now, and I personally would like to hear what you think. If you have any changes you would like to see in the BiWeekly Updates - please send me a SINGLE well thought-out sober PM. Title it "BiWeekly Update suggestion" - I'll make sure to read it and share it with the rest of the team.

Long live PreCU,
Go Team SWGEmu!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:34 pm 
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Bi-Weekly Update 7/14/08
1) Update Overview: (TOC)
-New CSR / Support System
-Crafting 2.0
-Welcome new Profession Reps!
-TC Status
-Starting Location Changed (Theed)
-Cave Implementation
-Friends list added
-Major Core3 Changes
-Image Designer
-Stat Migration
-Client Dev Status
-Small Changes

2) Body:

New CSR / Support System

SWGEmu is implementing a Support site that contains an updated Knowledge Base, bug ticket system and important guides. The new ticketing system and Consulting Support Representatives (CSRs) are implemented to assist developers to address bugs in a more efficient manner and allow developers more time to concentrate on coding rather than address in-game issues.

This site will be kept up to date and should be easier for players to locate important information such as Rules and Policies, set up guides, and questions concerning SWGEmu. Please take a moment to sign up on the site and review the Player Rules and Policies and the contents of the Knowledge Base. Changes, suggestions and updates to the Knowledge Base can be PMed to Serpentkaa via the Forums.

The Player Rules and Policies are now in effect. Players are asked to bring all actions and toons into compliance with Player Rules asap. Starting Monday, players can report immediate infractions of the rules using either the ticketing system or through the IRC channel #swgemusupport. The CSRs, headed by our Team Leader Kellina, will idle on this channel when on-duty and are available to assist with immediate in-game issues.

The CSR Team

Kellina - CSR Team Lead

Please begin using this SWGEmu Support site to report all bugs. Over the next few months, we will be "cleaning" up the bugs that are currently posted to the Test Center Forums and moving a compiled list to the SWGEmu TC Bug Compilation Forum. This will require a step by step change over before we are using the SWGEmu Support site exclusively. Players are asked to help with this change over by taking a few extra steps.

If a bug is already posted on the SWGEmu TC Bug Compilation Forum, do not re-submit the bug through this system. Before submitting a bug, take a moment and review bugs that are already submitted on the latest bug thread found in TC Bug Compilation Forum. Players should check the latest bug thread that is identified by the date. The player only submits new bugs to the support site if the bug is not on this thread. The Test Center forums will be locked against new bug posts; however, the CSRs will be updating the latest bug thread on TC Bug Compliation Forum so that players can see what bugs are already reported.

note: CSRs Currently Do not have in-game rights however they will in the future and also a new GM System is being worked on.


Crafting 2.0

Commits; 439, 440, 441.

The next revision of the crafting system has been committed. While it is still in it's infancy as far as getting all the calculations correct, there are a number of things that have been added. Crafting stations and crafting tools now work as they should. Experimenting requires the proper tool as well as proximity to the proper station. Components are now usable in crafting. While there is NO math for this yet, it is possible to pick up Weaponsmith and craft an entire DLT20 and then kill something with it. Also, there was a bug where people could spam commands and rack up instant xp, which has been addressed. More importantly, I am about 99% sure that I have settled on the final format for the scripts, meaning it is now time for people to get involved in learning the scripting format and making new schematics. I am still working on a schematic tool, that will be released one of these days, but it will be especially helpful for people (cough cough* Profession Reps) to be pro-active in learning the scripts now. This release is not a complete release, from all the testing, it is stable, but it is time to find the bugs.

Welcome new Profession Reps!
New Profession Representatives Chosen!!!!

Thank you to all that applied as it was quite a challenge picking some of the positions with multiple good candidates.

Artisan: tek
Politician: Baylor

Chef: Sperg
Dancer: kaeilea
Image Designer: Aremathiea
Musician: Accain
Pikeman: Hiddukel
Smuggler: Davickk
Tailor: Zennor

Full List of Reps

Please welcome the new Reps....and EVERYBODY please participate in the Prof Forums


TC Status:
We know the TC has been a bit behind in terms of how frequently it is updated with revisions. In the next few days, I'll push Oru to update it to the latest svn. This will mean that the changes implemented in the last 40 revisions or so will come to the TC, but you can expect frequent downtime due to bugs that are bound to come up. Keep in mind a DB wipe will be part of the update process.


Starting Location Changed (Theed):

Commit 424.

It's about time. Kellina has setup the appropriate testing environment in Theed (Bluefrogs, Shuttles, Cloning etc). New characters after the TC update will start in Theed.


Cave Implementation

Commits; 427, 429, 431.

Caves have been curned out every week by the Cave Implementation group. Not only are the scripts well done by the community & leadership, the bug reporting and collaboration in the Cave Implementation fourm is very impressive. Make sure you drop by their forum sometime and help where you can.

Caves produced in the last two weeks include; Dantooine caves with Crystal Hunters (assorted types), Deathwatch Bunker (disabled until all endor caves are done - still present though), and script modification to increase the level of agressiveness.


Friends List Added:

Commit 434

The friends list now works and community functions such as; /addfriend, /removefriend, and /findfriend. Please test these features extensively and report any bugs found. Thanks to kyle and Movealong (aka Farmer_John).



I (Ramsey) completed a basic version of the mission manager. I am currently working on the _final_ two components of the manager being; state management (mission progress) and the scripting interface.

Looking ahead: I have come to the sad realization that the restoration of missions will require SWGEmu to launch yet another community project to collect data from missions that were on live pre cu. Mission titles and descriptions are saved on the client and can easily be gathered using an automated tool, the location/coordinates of NPC's and other objects involved must be retrieved by a human.

I do know that the majority of the missions presented to players on live can be replaced by ones developed within the community. So instead of attempting to restore every single mission that was on live, I am planning to commit more resources toward educating people on how to script their own missions, and do it well.

Whats to come in the near future:

Critical Pre-CU missions will be gathered in a mini project I will be starting a few months from now. The effort will eventually shift to restoring less important missions once our primary goals are attained.

I expect to have the mission manager done and out on the TC soon. Simple test missions are planned to test various aspects of the manager, and will eventually bloom into issuing more complex tasks. I do not want to commit to a date for all of this, to make room for whatever may come up. I can say that I am on track so far on the state management portion of the manager as of right now.

Like I mentioned earlier, I am planning on committing more resources towards making it easier for people to jump into scripting missions. I wan to narrate a mission building video and releasing that around the time the content gathering for critical live missions starts. The video will essentially be a developer's commentary and guided tour on the inner workings of missions and how to add them to the game.


Major Core3 Changes:

Oru will be introducing a new and more powerful scripting language to the project within the new few months. The scripting change is probably going to be one of the biggest changes to the Engine before Core3's v1.0 release. We'll be providing a more detailed update to the scripting system in future BiWeekly's.

Oru has also increased the connection limit in the public Engine3 library to 20 connections.


Image Designer:

Commit 438.

McMahon has had a busy 2 weeks. All Image Designer functionallity has now been added and is subject to intense testing. Make sure to use our new CSR / Support system to report bugs (like you should for anything else from now on ). Image Designer skills follow patch 14 rules. If you are looking to modify profession rules on your future server, keep in mind we are open source and a rule change is not a hard thing to do.


Stat Migration:

Commit 438.

The completion of Stat Migration has an interesting story behind it. SWGANH assisted McMahon in the packet work for Stat Migration. It really is nice to see developers from different projects working together to complete a feature. Thanks go to snow from ANH !


Client Dev Status:

Client Devs been a bit quiet recently but were still working away!

Only thing I can show what I'm doing is this:

Thats a "Kamas" skirt on mandalorian leggings its not much but its something (Thanks to Laam'inui for the skirt textures)

I have been posting several things over the forums such as pictures (first taste/example of dual wielding and also some more vehicles) Hopefully Davin and Valky will post screenshots of some of there work soon, I might be adding the newest vehicle soon (Yoda's Levitator) when I can.


Small Changes:

-Waypoints are now working (again). (Cave Crew:Farmer_John)
-Aggro ranges have been updated. 24m when outdoors, 10m when indoors. (Kyle)
-Lair explosion fixed. Lairs are now complete! (panchjr)
-Updated Marksman skills and introduced the ability for admins to spawn fireworks for events (Kellina)
-Bluefrogs can now give you a Mineral Surveying Tool.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:38 pm 
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Thank you...

Looks good...

Is it true that they are expecting a open beta in about 6-9 months?

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:14 am 
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Azzameen85 wrote:
Thank you...

Looks good...

Is it true that they are expecting a open beta in about 6-9 months?

There's been no est date announced to my knowledge. The best I've heard is they would like to have a stable beta by end of summer.

Crafting is really coming together, and just tonight I was recording all the location info for the placement of politician trainers ;) Things will be coming together quickly.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:35 pm 
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Bi-Weekly Update 7/29
1) Update Overview: (TOC)
-7/14 Update Aftermath
-CSR/Admin System Implemented
-Creature/Npc Scripting System
-Creature/Spawn script changes
-Professions Research / Cave Implementation
-Mission Update
-Blue Frog changes
-Creature Harvesting
-Small Changes

2) Body:

7/14 Update Aftermath:
On 7/14, we updated the TC to revision 450 from 400. Revision 400 had been running quite stable for weeks. Wen we finally updated to 450, chaos ensued and everyone went to work fixing bugs within their own commits. Two weeks later everyone on the team is still hard at work fixing unforeseen complications introduced from that update.

In the future we will try to make sure the TC is as close to the latest SVN as possible, or simply update in smaller batches. The TC for the last few weeks has kept up with the latest SVN as fixes are being committed on a daily basis. Oru especially has been doing a great job in monitoring the TC and committing fixes for code he didn't write, spam him with thanks on IRC next time you see him on

We have also gotten an amazing response from the community that is continuing to "camp" the login screen and jump at any bit of online time. Theed had around 200 people the day we switched to revision 450, and the TC continues to sustain similar numbers on regular days. I really hope everyone understands the impact they have just by logging into the TC and trying new things - keep it coming!


CSR/Admin System Implemented:

Revision 452.

bobius has implemented a new GM command handler and admin levels. This new system offers a more organized support system for the TC by allowing us to divide admin into groups (CSR, Developer, QA, Event Coordinator). Adding new commands has also become extremely easy to do, as we have moved away from the gigantic if-statement's into neat and tidy functions for each command.
Open Source community: check out the new code in the GMCommandHandler class!

The GM command system received various improvements since its introduction in revision 452.


Creature/Npc Scripting System:

The past couple weeks Farmer_John, Kyle, and Kellina have been creating the new creature lua system that allows scout harvesting, XP, and opens up many other options for the rest of the professions/crafting.


Creature/Spawn script changes:

Revisions; 463, 468, 474.

Kellina has tweaked a TON of the creatures / spawns via script. Changes were generally along the lines of balancing and making creatures more "PreCU ish". The respawn time of creatures can now also be modified in script.


Professions Research / Cave Implementation:

These groups will never be dropping from the BiWeekly spotlight because, well, they are the tip of the sword when it comes to PreCU testing & balance for the project. PLEASE drop by their forums and see what you can do to help out. Both have easy to read pinned topics that outline what there is to do:

Cave Implementation
Profession Testing/Balance



Revision 488, 496.

cRush: One of the many rising stars within the SWGEmu open source community. cRush has been able to quickly pick up the Core3 code and add Doctor and Medic Professions (with buffs and stimpacks) in Revision 488 after having it reviewed by McMahon. Also more recently, cRush fixed bugs found in his initial commit as well as added EnhancePacks, Wound packs, and a handler for the /diagnose command.


Mission Update:

I (Ramsey) am still working on missions. Over the last two weeks I have been doing more work on the manager. The focus for the last two weeks were not what I had planned and outlined in the last biweekly, which set a few things off schedule. I was actually hoping to have missions done by this biweekly, but things don't always go the way you expect them to. I spent 1.5 work sessions on this nasty refresh bug that caused refreshing the mission list in terminals to be flawed. It was, of all the joys in the world, a section of the Mission object packet I had documented incorrectly. This lead to hours of pouring over NGE logs and thanks to Dilligents SWG Packet tool, my sanity was somewhat saved.

Tonight and throughout the next week I will be putting more time into developing a more interactive NPC class, which will be used in all missions (and hopefully expand to all npcs). With the mission commit these NPC's will be able to perform actions within the scope of missions, but later expand to more generic functions.



Revision 481.

TA and Oru have been working on handling the massive heightmaps. Classes to make heightmaps more manageable were added a few days ago. For those of you that don't know, heightmaps are the barrier for a lot of features in game. Structure placement and proper creature movement being the major features requiring heightmaps.

Heightmaps are not yet final, so keep an eye out on the Trac timeline for changes to the heightmap system.

Thanks TA and Oru!


Blue frog changes:

Revisions; 457, 488, 489,

Listed here are changes made to bluefrogs to make your testing experience easier:

-Bluefrog now takes advantage of the InGame interface feature, SuiListBox.
-Doctor/Medic, Image Designer added to professions.
-Enhance/Stimpack set added


Creature Harvesting:

Revisions; 500, 501,

It's about time scouts and Rangers got a little love. Log in, and get hide/bone and meat now.


Small Changes:

-Image Designer/Stat Migration modifications are now saved.
-Force power regens
-Fixed lair destruction
-Sitting on objects in cells (buildings) now works.
-Crafting tools added to all player inventories.
-Various resource crashes fixed
-Added a 5% tax to bank tips.
-Update commando skills


3) Developer Perspective: ("Round Table"):


I'll be moving on the 26th to DC and by that time I'm hoping missions will be on the TC and _stable_. I'm really looking forward to Oru's new C++-like scripting language. I'll end up spending time on that, and with any luck the mission scripts will be converted to the new language before the move. After the move, If there are any major features that need work during that time in order to do our first binary release, I'll have to put JTL in the back burner. If not, I plan on starting either on Ship / Space Zone managers.

Back to work~┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘

In the immediate days ahead, I am aiming at implementing Resuscitation packs, followed by all State Packs and the Fire Suppression blanket. To achieve this, I will be changing the way death is handled, adding in the option to choose to clone or standby in the hopes a Doctor can resuscitate you. This will also require the implementation of /consent. After wrapping up the doctor and medic skills Valkyra and I are planning on tackling Comba
I would like to say thanks to Serpentkaa for the phenomenal amount of time and effort she has put into documenting both Medic and Doctor, and to the community for the great feedback that has been reported so far. Also, thanks to McMahon who has helped me find my way when I get stuck.

Most of the recent patch work the last few weeks from me has been bug fixes. What you're not seeing is the work I've been doing on Vehicles/Deeds/Houses. I've inherited a bunch of old code from Kyle/Ritter and am currently resurrecting it. A week or so back I got a nice Medium Naboo House placed squarely in the middle of Theed - so expect some good things in housing coming down the pipe (Including Factories & Harvesters). I also got jetpack height working - so you can expect to get the big reward from the DWB someday http://img372.imageshack.us/my.php?i...rheightay3.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/zv3g95.jpg


Been mostly busy the last few weeks with summer classes wrapping up, and finals starting. Thank goodness McMahon took over Structures, takes a bit of stress off my plate. I have been working to finalize features in the resource managers, and get everything related to resources working properly. At this point, resources should be > 90% done and all features in game. This is paving the way for more crafting updates, and the full implementation of the crafting system (Coming soon, keep your eyes on the updates)

I have been busy with real life over the last two weeks so have not got as much done as I would have liked.

Most of my attention has been working on the trainer spawning code so that trainers can be spawned inside buildings and made to face in the correct direction. This is being done to support the work the profession reps have been doing ensuring that all trainers are correctly placed.
4) Closing:

These past 2 weeks have been amazing in terms of the amount of progress we've made. A lot of new features are just on the brink of being started so hopefully the next update will be the best one yet! Remember to get on Test Center and help out with the testing! Every last player online counts and it has really helped us to stabilize the core. Thanks for reading!!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:30 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:13 pm
Posts: 928
Location: Columbus, OH
1) Update Overview: (TOC)
Social Event Stress Test
Medical Progress
New Loot Table Manager
New Player Punishment Zone
New Items/Clothes on the Blue Frog
Client Dev Team Update
2) Body:

8/9 Social Event Stress Test
The other day Lorrianna held a "Social Event Stress Test". The Cantina was packed with about 173 players online. The Stress Test was aimed to help find any Bugs in the Entertainer System, as well as test the Stability of the server. There was only one crash reported at the time. Oru had confirmed it was due to a "DeadLock".


Medical Progress
cRush has been busy lately hammering down the medical professions:

-Numerous bugs have been fixed with the recent medical implementations.
-Doctor buffs now play a vital role on the Test Center, bringing back a feeling of nostalgia for many players.
-Cloning now incurs wounds as it did Pre-CU. Woundpacks have been introduced to counter the effect.
-Resuscitation Kits have made their way in game. You can now resurrect a player who has given you consent, or is in your group.
-Added new commands: /consent <name>, /unconsent <name>, /hasconsent, /diagnose, /activateClone
-Added new gm command: @revive - revives a dead player.


New Loot Table Manager
Farmer_John has recently finished up the new Loot Tables, which are already on the Test Center. Loot is now loaded from DB, and all items currently static have been moved to the LootTable. Kellina will be updating the LootTable, with more items this week, and fixing drop %'s along with what drops from what etc. And also going through the Loot Area on the Forums to add all of what should be dropping from each creature/npc.

Here is an overview on the new Loot Tables:

-Loot has been moved to the database and is seperated into lootgroups.
-Creatures can belong to one (or more) lootgroups.
-Drop is now level and race controlled, so be aware:
--Nightsister biceps wont drop from a Worrt anymore
-We are populating the lootable and building the different lootgroups for all creatures.


New Player Punishment Zone
Farmer_John has added a new feature called the Punishment zone, which is a viable option to ban evasion that is currently occurring on TC. Offending/Rule violating Players will be warped to the punishment zone and will be incapable of moving, speaking, or leaving, and it is up to the CSR to decide when the offender is released.


New Items/Clothes on the Blue Frog
Lorrianna was kind enough to place nearly 100% of all clothing from Pre-Cu onto the Blue Frogs. So be sure to visit your local "Blue Frog" and grab some of those new clothes. Please note that not ALL of the clothes have been put on the blue frog yet, but all the clothes are in the source code. There are some known issues with Gender Restriction and players running around with every single piece of clothing on them. Devs are working on a fix for this. If you bump into Lorrianna be sure to thank her for taking her time to give us all these clothes!


Client Dev Team Update:

Hey! Davin here, with some updates from the client dev team!

It's been a good couple of weeks for us with Sytner giving us an Alpha of his Snapshot editor which means that a couple of projects we've had on hold are now getting kicked back into action including Kashyyyk which Valkyra is working on and a brand new instance that I'm working on.

With Sytner's WS editor there's a good amount of progress that's being made on kashyyyk, the newest addition being the webweaver cave!

Entrance to the cave

Progress continues as Valkyra begins to add Kachiro!

New Instance
The new instance is the first SWG planet ever to be created completely from scratch outside of SOE and aswell as that it has also been achieved without the help of a terrain editor! This is a step in the right direction and knowledge I've learned from this will hopefully go into helping along Sytner's terrain editor making the creation of planets a lot easier and a lot more accessible to those who may have the creativity but not the technical knowledge that it currently takes to create a planet.

The new instance is fairly basic terrain-wise but not a lot was needed for what I was basing it on. The planet the instance takes place on is called Flashpoint and it once housed a research center (over 3500 years ago in the timeline) but that was destroyed; the planet also has an orbit that is incredibly close to its sun and so days pass by very quickly here, the proximity to the sun also leaves the planets surface covered with radiation which is certainly not healthy!

There's still some work to be done on the terrain itself (mainly giving the planet a couple more textures since at the moment there's only one texture noticeable) but I've now started world building so here are some shots of the basic layout I've got setup at the moment, there's going to be two more surface buildings that I haven't added yet:

Landing pad during the short night
The side of the landing pad with the scorching sun in the background
Shot of the entrance to the main bunker

Like I said, before, this is just a start but I hope you find it interesting


3) Developer Perspective: ("Round Table")


In the Open Dev forum, there was a discussion about NPC behavior. Here is what I said:

Part of the mission stuff are the npcs involved. I did an Action system where an "ActionCreature" would execute actions assigned to triggers like "onConverse", "onAttack" etc. The actions would include anything from carrying a conversation, to giving an item/mission to a player.

My #1 goal was to at least get these actionCreatures working to fulfill their role in missions, and I would then later expand them to take on other roles like BlueFrogs.

I worked out a conversation system that can be scripted in LUA (or the future scripting languages we may adapt in the future). The other actions like giving an item/mission will come tonight.

Which brings me to...the prerequisite stuff . For the NPC to REALLY interact with players around it, it needed a way to check for conditions in players. Conditions like "does the player have"; an item, specific skill, this mission etc. I am saddened to say that after many rewrites, I still do not have a satisfactory prerequisite system that can be used in LUA script. The biggest problem has been the fact that there are so many things you should be able to check for in the player, you pretty much need to share the entire player class with LUA. Writing functions in the action class to return vars in the player class would only serve to bloat. So for now, I just hardcoded prerequisites so the action creatures will work with basic missions. Hopefully Oru's new scripting language will be a bit more flexible than LUA, and we'll see some growth in this area (at least in this implementation).

Since other devs are also writing their own versions for interactive npcs, I don't know what the longterm impact of the actioncreature will be. It's current role is to get missions off the ground with room to expand into a more general tasks. It's very beneficial to have multiple people tackling the interactive NPC issue, as it will eventually build a much stronger implementation in the future.


I have completed the Action & ActionCreature class to a point where it'll function with some of the basic hardcoded missions. The mission manager has been done for quite sometime now, and I'm just tieing together the script portion of the creature manager to work with Actions & ActionCreatures. Once that is done, I'll begin picking out random people in IRC to help look for bugs before the SVN commit.

These past two weeks, I have received a tremendous amount of testing results from the community, assisting in the squashing of several nasty bugs pertaining to the recent medical implementations. Again, I want to thank the community for the outstanding job that has been done in this regard. Keep up the good work, and this project will be done before you know it! My focus going forward is going to be finishing off the Doctor and Medic profession entirely. I want to graduate to Combat Medic, and revisit the Cloning process. I will be implementing Curepacks for Poison and Disease, as well as introducing State packs for Dizzy, Blindness, Intimidation, Stun, and Fire blankets. I will also be completing the doctor skills which do not require medpacksl. I want to encourage all community members to drop by the IRC channel #swgemuheal and congregate with others as we finish off these two necessary professions.

Special recognition to the following exemplary testers: Antisnow, mrtopas, ashur, and karas. These members have found numerous bugs and given excellent feedback helping remedy the problems. Thank you all who submitted feedback! Without you, none of this would be possible!

I've made some considerable progress on both of my editors in the past few weeks:

The snapshot editor is currently being tested internally by Valkyra and Davin, who encouragingly haven't reported many bugs so far! Before getting it to them, I re-wrote almost everything from scratch, so there are still a few bits that need updating to the new system. The end is definitely in sight though now.

The terrain editor is still in its early stages, but progressing well considering I only started work on it properly a week or so ago. The main task I have now is figuring out all of the remaining unknowns - any help on this is very welcome!

Here are some recent screenies from both of the editors:

Terrain editor
Snapshot editor
Snapshot arrays
Snapshot tools

Over the coming weeks I hope to get some videos up of the editors in action and my work on Taanab.

4) Closing:

A Note from the CSR Support Team:

Just a reminder, Kellina has created a Test Center Status Update system that allows the CSR Team to manually and with one command simultaneously update the current status on: LPE, #test, and #swgemusupport . We hope this reduces the number of "Is it up?" inquiries. Please note current status on LPE or in #test!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:33 pm 
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Check out the update at the SWGemu forums for the links to images. http://swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13729

This is a pretty substanstial update with the snapshot editor. What we're seeing here is the birth of a fully functional world creator. Want a new planet? It can be done. Want a new dungeon designed from the ground up? It can be done. This is going to take player created content to a whole new level. Just think of the story telling possibilities when you have the tools available to create your vision in-game. Player-made quests are going to be great.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:16 am 
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Tetran wrote:
Check out the update at the SWGemu forums for the links to images. http://swgemu.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13729

This is a pretty substanstial update with the snapshot editor. What we're seeing here is the birth of a fully functional world creator. Want a new planet? It can be done. Want a new dungeon designed from the ground up? It can be done. This is going to take player created content to a whole new level. Just think of the story telling possibilities when you have the tools available to create your vision in-game. Player-made quests are going to be great.

Or just expanding the universe with more starwars planets with the correct stories and such...

If I recall correctly the timeframe that they are talking about is somewhat later in the SW-timeline so there could be an excuse for jedi's and such, but then again I wouldn't mind seeing planet Hoth with Echo base as a pirates/hunters meeting ground and the rest of the planet as a hunting ground for Wampa's...

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:49 pm 
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BiWeekly Update 8/30
1) Update Overview: (TOC)

-SWGEmu Web Development
-New Test Center Login System
-Database Wipe
-New Profession Representatives!
-Accurate Server Status
-Loot Group System
-State packs
-Various Bug Fixes (listed)

2) Body:

SWGEmu Web Development:

We have begun preliminary work on what we are calling a Packaged Community Portal (PCP). This PCP will be shipped with every server, and will allow server operators to have access to many tools they will need to manage their server and player base. Public, User, and Administrative access will yield different results when accessing the PCP. When an anonymous web surfer lands on the PCP page, they will find information about the server, how to join, the server status, and much more. If they create an account through registration, or login with an account, they will gain access to information such as their profile, character information, a viewable list of inventory items for each character, guild pages if they are in one, and faction pages if they are in GCW. The administrator interface will give access to a full set of tools for manipulating the server, and keeping it in optimum shape. Everything from setting up the connection information to posting updates and bringing the server up and down to despawning resources and deleting/banning characters and accounts.

Please drop by #swgemuwebdev if you are interested in contributing to the idea. We are looking for potential developers with knowledge in PHP, XHTML, CSS, and XML.


New Test Center Login System:

We have recently changed the way the Login and user system on the Test Center functions. The Test Center and the SWGemu forums are now linked. For you, this means that from now on you must use your username and password from the SWGemu Forums to log into the SWGEmu Test Center.
If you have not already done so, you will need to register at the SWGEmu forums, and use that username and password both here and on the Test Centre from now on. This is the only way of creating an account for use on the Test Center.

We have posted a more detailed announcement reguarding this subject a few days ago in this topic.


Database Wipe:

As you have all probably realised, the Test Center's database was wiped on 08/30. This means that every account, character and item was deleted. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to retrieve your lost items or characters. The DB wipe was to accomodate the transition to the integration of the TC and the Forums.


New Profession Representatives:

Please join me in welcoming the new Prof Reps who have volunteered their time to help make the SWGEmu better.

Thank you to all those that sent me apps, it was not easy to choose the final list as some profs had multiple good candidates.

Bounty Hunter: Iakimo
Musician: Amitrov_Derinth
Pistoleer: Aslad
Ranger: whistletock
Swordsman: egoa
Teras Kasi Artist: Murreki
GCW: Sirius


Accurate Server Status:

Revisions; 611, 613, 614

Bobius has added a "StatusServer" thread to Core3 which will return an XML file detailing the status of the server. The test center now has this change implemented. You can check the server status either in the #test channel topic, or by pointing your browser to http://chicago2.swgemu.com:44455 . Revision 614 (linked above) in particular shows website owners how to check the server status with a PHP script. We will integrate a test center status script with a few changes coming to our web page .


Loot Group System:

Revisions; 581, 588.

We mentioned "loot groups" in our previous update and have continued to expand on them in the last few weeks. Loot Groups are now being documented in the lootgroups.xls file (docs folder). The spreadsheet contains information on the loot database to make scripting new creatures and their drops, easier. All creature scripts have been updated to use this new system. We are confident this particular change will make maintaining scripted mobs an almost enjoyable task for future server admins.



Revision: 602.

Along with a few other fixes, cRush has added state packs to the game and put them out on bluefrogs for general consumption. Please report any bugs regarding state packs to him via the support system.


Various Bug Fixes:

-Profanity filter now checks entire name for blacklisted words.
-Added system messages for the Group and meditation actions.
-Creature & Player attacks/skill scripts cleaned up.
-Updated trainer locations (Thanks to the Profession research team!)
-Character deletion now removes more information from the database.
-HAM bar updating fixed.
-Regen begins after primary wounds are removed.
-Bluefrogs deal focus damage.
-Fire Blankets added to bluefrogs.
-@kill & @killArea no longer destroy bodies, so that respacks can be tested.
-Server startup time improved.
-Stat migration exploit fixed.

Along with these feature bugs being fixed, we (mostly Oru & TheAnswer) have done an excellent job in plugging memory leaks (among other assorted bugs) by getting YOUR feedback directly from Test Center logs.

The following 14 revisions fixed major threats to stability;
579, 591, 593, 595, 603, 604, 605, 610, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 634.

3) Developer Perspective: ("Round Table"):

College courses have resumed for the Fall Semester, and I have been busy getting organized to be successful in that regard. I am also looking to complete my personal web page and start the job hunting process, as my funds are starting to get low. I will continue to work on knocking bugs out in the recent additions to TC. Please remember to submit any bugs you encounter through the Support site. I still plan on moving on to Combat Medic afterwards, but school will have an impact on my free time.

I am also looking to start work on a web based administration panel to assist server operators in keeping their servers well managed and optimized. The outline for this is in the works.

I have 2 projects on the go at the moment.

The first one is to implement what I am going to call hunting grounds. These will be areas defined in luas that will contain a set number of lairs chosen randomly from a list of possible lair types. The lairs will be randomly placed within the area, with some checks so they are not bunched together. After a lair is destroyed a new one will be spawned after a random delay.

The other much bigger project is reviewing and proposing ways to improve the combat code. This could take months as we want to make sure that code is as optimal and bug free as possible.

The last few weeks we have spent tirelessly trying to fix bugs and memory leaks, but I did manage to squeeze in a few features. Most notably is the status server. No more should we have to hear the question "is the server up"? The status server releases real time, accurate server stats in a flexible xml format. I've already seen a few great apps that the community has made to reflect server stats. Keep an eye out for new features coming to the status server, such as server up time, and possible memory and cpu usage.

I'm currently working on patching some exploits and revamping the item structure, so that we can set permissions on who exactly can use each item (race, sex, faction, covert/overt.. etc..) That should be coming in the upcoming days. However, it probably means that we'll have to wipe the DB again. Remember, this is a TC. We're still defining the Database structure, and every now and then when we change it, we have to wipe.

I may be out for a few days. As many of you know, I'm from New Orleans. If this hurricane comes any more east, I'm out of here. Otherwise, I may just be out of power / internet.
Valkyra - Client Developer:

Hey guys, I know you all haven't heard very much about me on the subject of Kashyyyk. And there are a few reasons for that, but the main one is that, I am sorry to say however I have stopped working on Kashyyyk somewhat. I know for those of you who would love to see that planet don't fear - as I still think the planet will get done someday.

The primary reason for this is because at this time I am not confident that we have the resources to work on such an adventure planet. Sure, I can put some buildings down and alter some terrain and call it a planet, but the content would be missing. In the future (perhaps after a 1.0 release of SWGEmu) it may get picked up on again, but I'd need a brainstorming team to help me with content for Kashyyyk, such as creatures, quests, dungeons, etc. Another reason that I decided to drop Kashyyyk was that many people have pointed out that it's not 100% accurate to the lore - there's no tree levels like KotOR's Kashyyyk for example... And unfortunately there's not a whole lot I can do about that at this time.

But I'm not just sitting here twittling my thumbs, I have done some non-territorial work for another planet - Chandrila. Synter is working on his TRN editor, and he has been doing a fantastic job on it. The reason that I chose Chandrila as a planet to add into SWG because there is just enough information about it (such as city names) to make it a decent planet, but not enough so that people can't say it isn't true enough to lore (as Kashyyyk). Also it's a more 'casual' planet such as Taanab, and I plan on making it a build-able planet (aka you may have a player city on Chandrila)... As for what it'll look like, it will be somewhat similar to Corellia, but will have it's own distinct features.

Here's some load screens for Chandrila that I made -

http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k94/X ... load_1.jpg

http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k94/X ... load_2.jpg

http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k94/X ... load_3.jpg

You can also read more about Chandrila here - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Chandrila

Well that about wraps it up, stay safe SWG Pre-CU fans!


Things have been pretty quiet for me as of late. I have been working on a number of behind the scenes items for crafting and the server. The only thing added to the server from me as of late is the forum integration. I have also made tons of progress on my Crafting Schematic Tool, as well as wrapping up one of the more difficult areas of crafting (for me, at least). This area is subcomponents. I'm a pleased to report that subcomponents are virtual finished. Aside from double checking math, the wild world of working subcomponents should hit TC in the next few updates as well as a soon to start steady stream of new schematics. School has also started for me, and I may or may not have less time with things going on, but crafting is approaching full implementation very soon. Stay tuned.

Example Component

I've been running private tests with a few people to fix bugs within the ActionCreature (interactive npcs) and their missions. What I need to do now is work out item stuff for deliver missions as well as granting rewards. I don't see any stability problems arising with that - so the whole thing should be hitting svn soon.

Screenshot of an NPC that is carrying a conversation w/ a player using scripted dialogue and various actions tied to dialogue options:


When it hits the TC, you'll see the special mission terminal pictured above.
4) Closing:

As some of you may have noticed, we are spending more and more time fixing bugs through TC feedback. We'll be shifting more focus to simply testing over the next few weeks and go back to old features to make sure everything is working properly.

While we will be doing the actual work in code to fix bugs, we really need people making the effort to report them in the first place. Unfortunately, there are players on the TC that do not view the TC as a work environment. The TC isn't meant to play around on - we need your bug reports submitted through the support site (http://swgemu.com/support). All we ask if for more of the community to meet us halfway: we'll do the code, you fill in 5 fields in the support site .


Until next time,
-Team SWGEmu

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:42 pm 
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Not excactly an update, but a status list of the EMU project of what has been done and what is needed.

Good news is that they appearantly has crafting down solidly.


1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:08 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 2:10 pm
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Wow, I forgot this even existed.

2 Locks, 2 Pally's, 1 Priest, 1 Warrior, 1 Hunter and 1 Mage walk into a bar...

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:56 am 
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Still interesting but weird with SWTOR here.

SWTOR - Spicerunner Legacy - Smuggler Image - RETIRED
Rift - Decipher - Paragon - RETIRED | WAR - Frenzyof Energy - Shaman - RETIRED
WoW - Fire Mage - RETIRED | SWG - Weaponsmith - RETIRED
MMOGGLER™ for online gamers

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:09 pm 
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I'm still very interested, and would gladly play some SWGemu when they get it ready. I really enjoyed that game.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:21 pm 
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Its amazing the progress they have made in the past 18 months or so.

"For over 2 years, the Veteran Community were the guardians of peace and justice in the Pre CU. Before the dark times, before the NGE."

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:46 am 
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They have announced that the "End of Liberator" milestone will occur within a few months.

That means an OR client out for testing and no more old client that was a bowl of spaghetti.

This is the best news we have had about SWG since before the CU. I am not bullshitting.


Its close guys, very close

"For over 2 years, the Veteran Community were the guardians of peace and justice in the Pre CU. Before the dark times, before the NGE."

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:29 pm 
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I'm still very very interested in this. Keep us posted.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:09 pm 
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will do

"For over 2 years, the Veteran Community were the guardians of peace and justice in the Pre CU. Before the dark times, before the NGE."

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:03 pm 
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The OR code is now officially deployed and we have been playing on an alpha-beta server since June.

Most of the professions, most of crafting, combat, and player housing is working.

Server has stabilized a LOT since June but its still a work in progress.

All in all its looking up, but there is still a lot of work to do.

"For over 2 years, the Veteran Community were the guardians of peace and justice in the Pre CU. Before the dark times, before the NGE."

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:31 am 
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I was actually playing on the test server, Nova, last weekend and was surprised at how well things worked! Even the random spawns were working. I was cruising around Talus getting my butt handed to me by rasps and the deadly KIMA!

So much I wanted to do but I'm waiting for live to invest that kind of time and energy again.

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:46 am 
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Publish 3 went live last week:

Publish 3: GCW, Base Busting, Screenplays and Quest


Increased server stability.
Added Database compression.
Added Server quest statitics.
Added cleanup for characters deleted from SQL db but still exist in object db.

POI/Cave/World - Added spawns to the following locations:

Rori: Rebel base, Kobola Bunker, Imperial Encampment, Borgle Bat Cave, Garyn Raider's Bunker, Gungan Swamp Town, Giant Bark Mite Cave, Pygme Torton Cave, Cobral Hideout, Corellia Stronghold.
Talus: Aakuan Cave, Banaryre Pirate Bunker, Chunker Bunker, Mite Cave, Fynock cave, Kahmurra Station, Lost Aqualish Cave, Weapons Depot (Rebel NPC), Detainment Center, Corsec vs. Flail Battle, Imperial Outpost.
Endor: Orphaned Marauder Cave, Donkuwah POI, Ewok Outcast Tree, Gondula POI, Minor static spawns for Jinda, Korga, Panshee and Pubam.
Lok: Imperial Outpost, Kimogila Town, Downed Blood Razor Transport, Canyon Corsairs Stronghold.
Tatooine: Jawa vs. Tusken battle at Sandcrawler, Ancient Krayt Dragon Skeleton, Tusken Fort and Fort Tusken pool.
Yavin4: Imperial Base, Woolamanders outside of the Woolamander temple.
Dathomir: Sarlacc, Imperial Prison, Nightsister vs. Singing Mountain Clan, Nightsister Stronghold, Dathomir crash site.
Naboo: Gungan Temple, Imperial vs. Gungan, Pirate Bunker, Veermok cave.


Added the ability to milk creatures.
Added additional creature types and npc lairs to all planets.
Added newbie lair spawns to several planets.
Tweaked Krayt graveyard spawns.
Added spawns to introduce domesticated meat
Changed lair spawns to be more like it was on live.
Fixed Ancient Krayt exploit.
Fixed exploit where certain NS/SMC would not attack ranged players.
Fixed several naked NPCs.
Updated enemy flag, aggressive state, size, stats, loot, weapons, attacks, and/or resources on many mobs.
Fixed NPC lairs (missions) to no longer spawn additional mobs when the lair is attacked.

Player Cities

Fixed Mayor citizenship issues.
Added 'Restore Mayor Citizenship' option to City Hall terminal.
Mayor can now register and receive voting XP in unchallenged elections.
Incumbent mayor will no longer auto register for elections and no longer appear twice on the ballot.
Candidates can now unregister from election.
Election registration will now lock in final election week of election.
Emails are now sent out after each election.
Fixed several city email display issues.
Factional mission terminals can now be placed in player cities.
Terminals in player cities can now be sliced.
City militia now requires zoning rights. - (Mayors always have zoning rights.)
Added player city sales and travel taxes.
Added player city structure maintenance reports.
Added structure terminals to player city garages.
Added insurance terminals to player city cloners. - (Requires re-deeding)
City structures are now transferred to new mayors after elections.
City structures will now only register on the planetary map if the city the is registered.
Fixed load-in points for player city shuttleports.
Fixed player city 'phantom' shuttles.
Fixed player city shuttleports to show on the planetary map. - (Requires re-deeding)
Fixed maintenance rate on player cantinas, hospitals, and theaters. - (This fix is retroactive to existing buildings)
City decorations will now be tracked and limited based on rank.
Fixed city update to Metropolis and city advancement information for Metropolis.


Survey missions will now take the resource type one level above. - (I.E. Iron now is Ferrous Metal)
Bounty targets can no longer spawn in water.
Fixed mission NPC's spawning in/under buildings.
Fixed Bounty Hunter mission targets to no longer spawn with the same X and Y coordinates.
Fixed accepting an accepted mission
Added Mokk scout, Kunga scout and Janta scout lairs to the mission terminals.


Fishing catches can now be picked up.
Corrected the way to handle sockets and attachments.
Composite armor color can now be changed via radial menu.
Fixed bug causing armor to display 0 stats.
Added X31 speeder to starting items for new characters.
Jetpacks now hover several meters above ground.
Backpacks can no longer be overloaded.
SE Goggles can now have their lens color changed via radial menu.

Theme Parks/Quests

Added Tekil Barje Quest.
Added Eran Sif Quest.
Added Rakir Banai's Quest.
Added Captain Gavyn Sykes Quest.
Added Luthik Uwyr Jedi Temple Quest.
Added Pfilbee Jhorn Quest.
Added Mat Rags Quest.
Added Xaan Talmaron Quest.
Added Kelvus Naria Quest.
Added Jatrian Lytus Quest.
Added Drakka Judarrl Quest.
Added LX 466 Quest.
Added SG-567 Quest.
Added Kitster Banai Quest.
Added Booto Lubble Quest.
Added Ajuva Vanasterin Quest.
Added Draya Korbinari Quest.
Added Hefsen Zindalai Quest.
Added Indintra Imbru Yerevan Quest.
Added Magur Torigai Quest.
Added Sloan Rusper Quest.
Fixed several ‘running loop’ NPC’s
Theme park logic now has return waypoints.
Fixed and cleaned up Vardias Tyne Quest.
Added additional paintings as reward from Ephant Mon.
Fixed several R.I.S. Quest bugs.
Added several tweaks to themepark logic.


Added many no-build zones to the world.
Added check so builings can no longer be overlapped.
Fixed floating sign on merchant tents – (Requires re-deeding)
Added medical rating to all adventure planet taverns!
Emptying harvesters will no longer deselect the current resource.
Fixed structure maintenance reduction for all pay methods
Fixed error message given when trying to place a structure while mounted.
Fixed placing structures in the same place simultaneously.
PayMaintenanceCommand will now use the targeted object if selected instead of using the closest structure.


Trandoshan Regeneration ability can now only be used by Trandoshans.
Added racial prerequisite check for skills.
Added Wookiee Roar ability.
Zabraks can now have hyphens and apostrophes in their names.


Loot rights are now based off of group damage.
Fixed permission issue where players outside group could open loot window.
Added resource recycler schematics and parts to loot.
Added Jetpack parts to random blacksun spawns.
All loot containers in populated POIs now have a chance to contain loot.
Donkuwah NPC spawns can now drop Donkuwah Poison, Donkuwah Knives, and Donkuwah Bone Armor segments.
Ewoks now drop low end loot.
Added Ewok crossbow as a very rare drop.
Fixed green cubes to have integrity on them.
Fixed yellow cube to have the correct armor base effectiveness.
Fixed interwoven bone armor segment schematic.
Fixed fire spider loot.
Added loot to a few creatures that can work as spice.
Kliknik glands now drop.
Kliknik glands can now be used to enhance grenades stats.
Fixed several high end mobs loot tables.


Added factional bases and turrets.
Master smuggler now receives a 25% faction perk discount.
Smugglers now need to be Special Forces to bribe a recruiter.
Added /gcw command to see which faction controls the planet.
Added recruiter status to high ranking imperial and rebel officers NPCs.
Combatants can now get military destroy missions.
Fixed several recruiter spawns.
Added Rebel recruiter to Tyrena.
Players must now have 200 faction points in order join a faction or speak to a recruiter.
Updated attacks, weapons, and loot on all faction mission targets.
Added Imperial racial penalties for faction perks.
Added an XP bonus for faction controlling a planet.
Faction perk cost penalty for faction not in control of a planet.
BH, BE, & Commando can now gain XP for slicing HQ terms.


Fixed the Auto retrieve feature for the bazaar.
Reduced bazaar listing time to 7 days.
Bazaar/Vendor in game mail now properly states where the transaction occurred.
Fixed structure terminal's Find Lost Items feature to no longer move vendors.
Fixed bazaar fee reductions.
Zabrak vendors can now be customized.


Looted schematics can no longer be learned when already known.
Fixed display of looted components on manufacturing schematics.
Architect: Fixed Mineral Mining Installation schematic requirements.
Architect: Fixed Light Ore Mining Unit complexity.
Architect: Added additional Fountains, Statues, and Streetlamps to crafting process.
Artisan: Melee power ups are now able to have min damage as a secondary stat.
Bio-Engineer: Fixed BE tissue experimentation percentages.
Chef: Fixed bio-component being optional in food additives.
Doctor / Combat Medic: Fixed stats & experimentation on several schematics.
Droid Engineer: Added Droid Reconstruction Kit - B schematic that was missing.
Droid Engineer: Seeker and Arayd droids now have correct number of uses.
Weaponsmith: Corrected min and max damage on AOE chemicals.
Weaponsmith: Fixed Geonosian Sword Core schematic to require Master Weaponsmith skill to learn.
Weaponsmith: Fixed missing chemical dispersion mechanism schematic.
Weaponsmith: Fixed number of uses on executioner’s hack schematic.


Laser knives now only use charges when cutting a wire.
Added skill checks for slicing.
Scout / Ranger
Fixed lair foraging.
Fixed glow-juice trap fail message.
Camping XP bonus is now based on camp type, camp duration and are now added ontop of the base camping xp.
Assuming camp ownership now checks a player's skill and whether they already have a camp placed.
Assuming camp ownership now sends a system message upon success.
Camp vistor list, accrued XP, and duration are reset upon camp ownership.
Fixed XP gained from High Tech Field Bases.
Moved NPC area track to Tracking 2.
Medic / Doctor
Fixed faction healing.
Fixed/added medical mods on player houses and cantinas.
Fixed resist buffs.
Resist buffs now scale properly with the doctor's wound treatment modifier.
Resist pack values are now more in line with pre-CU stats.
TendWound now reports positive number of healed wounds.
Fixed cure packs incorrectly comparing to potency instead of efficiency.
FirstAid now gives you the proper error message.
Fixed range on QuickHeal ability.
Lower level buffs can no longer be applied while higher end buffs are active.
Combat Medic
Fixed DoT stacking of same type.
Fixed Stamina Disease Area C affecting wrong pool.
Fixed Mind Heal to be more like it was on live.
Fixed the chance to apply dots to buffed and un-buffed targets.
Jedi / FS
"Jedi business. Nothing to see here...move along."
Changed weighting of resources in the random pool to be more like it was on live.
Fixed surveying mini-game SUI box rezzing players.
Fixed sampling while in combat.
Grenades and heavy weapons can now be crafted and used.
Added special attacks for heavy acid rifle and flamethrower. - (No DoTs yet)
Added clothing bio tissues.
Squad Leader
SL Retreat and Burst Run no longer stack.
Rally & Formup now have a higher chance of landing.


Fixed combat spam for all combat professions.
Fixed accuracy reduction from both movement and the blind state.
Warcry no longer breaks from non-damaging attacks.
Snipershot is now considered a combat action.
AOE/Indirect damage will cause lairs to be damaged and spawn creatures.
Corrected damage distribution on ScatterShot 1 and 2.
Fixed Melee1hScatterHit1 and 2 to round out the multi-pool fixes.
Fixed Melee1hBlindHit1 to not be AoE.
Fixed Mindshot1 to apply bleed.
Fixed Strafe1 to not be AoE.
Fixed Startle2 to be AoE.
Warcry and Intimidate now only be used on creatures, npcs and players.
Fixed creature area DoT attacks.
Posture changing while dizzy will now cause players to fall down.
Mobs will no longer continue to attack a vehicle that is disabled if other valid targets are present.
Fixed a bug causing mobs to stand back up after death and grant double XP rewards.
Fixed weapon certificates for several weapons.
Removed damage from Force Choke ability until later publish.
Guild war combatants will now be ‘red’ upon cloning.
Players marked as AFK can no longer initiate an attack.


Fixed stats on mandalorian armor.
Fixed Mandalorian boots crafting in DWB.
Added Poison clouds and Electric shock to Geo caves.
Fixed several spawn points in the Geo caves.


Fixed guild transfer permission checks.
Fixed guild and group chat commands.
Fixed error message in GuildRemove command.
Fixed full group invite message.
LFG tag automatically removed when joining a group.


Stomach digestion will now continue while players are offline.
Many actions now take the secondary stat into account for the action cost.
Fixed bug allowing players to drag items into corpses.
Title selection and no title works correctly.
Changed starport wait times to 1 minute.
Swimming state is now checked and applied on position updates.
Yavin4 Imperial Outpost is now available for outbound travel.
Shuttles can no longer be boarded before they land.
Player characters are no longer set at terrain height when dismounting on ramps or structures.
Deleting a character will now remove any structures owned by the character as well as remove the character from citizenship of a city.
Condemned and destroyed structures that are a declared residence will now have the declared residence properly removed and citizenship removed.
Fixed a bug causing players to rubberband if they mounted a swoop while burstrun/retreat is active.
Removed bugged spawns at 0, 0.
Fixed placement of ticket terminal in Coronet starport.
Fixed player movement speeds while prone.
Fixed AI to not attack their own faction players.
Added 2 second cooldown between mount and dismount to fix exploiting.
Fixed issue where crate items would be lost when splitting from factory crate with full inventory.
Fixed several dozen other bugs.

*Special thanks to Bluree for putting this list together

~ The SWGEmu Development Division

"For over 2 years, the Veteran Community were the guardians of peace and justice in the Pre CU. Before the dark times, before the NGE."

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:03 am 
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Joined: Mon May 20, 2002 8:01 pm
Posts: 1722
Location: Greenland, Nuuk
I was at their site last night, but I couldn't find the status update they used to have. (that is, a whole list with lost of things that are to implemented with red, yellow or green text indicating how far they are.).

Anyone have any idea?

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:16 am 
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Joined: Mon May 20, 2002 8:01 pm
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Location: Greenland, Nuuk
I've found my SWG discs and the manual with the serial key.

But I haven't tried to set it up yet, due to my job taking a lot of time and I am prepping for moving to Denmark to start at university.

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:53 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2004 6:03 pm
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Tried to re-install so my son could play recently....is the EMU doing ok?

My computer was crapping out on me...really need to get it redone.

The Cord
Occasional Caretaker of the Horde Maelstrom Guild
Ex-Section 3 Director

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:17 am 
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Joined: Mon May 20, 2002 8:01 pm
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I'll try it out later tonight.

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:40 am 
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Joined: Mon May 20, 2002 8:01 pm
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Location: Greenland, Nuuk
Well... It works. Little bare when I played, but still 1600-1700 players on the server.

How much it is like Pre-CU I cannot say, since I am a post-CU player.

But killing creatures seems to run on which of three bars that goes down. (Only have a basic survival knife (am scout)) and the knife dmg's either red, blue or green going at random.

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:51 pm 
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I have been playing from time to time, but it has been very brief every time.
Mostly due to being bogged down at university.

Furthermore I need a goal.

If anyone is interested, please tell me, what goals i should do (ie. walking around, sightseeing, crafting, or what ever you guys think off tell me and I'll o my best to achieve it and post screenshots)

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:32 am 
n00b 4 3v3r
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Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2001 8:01 pm
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I vote you should go sightseeing. You mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take a screenshot of at least one landmark from each planet! :)


Pathfinder Kingmaker Campaign:
Gednan Malithanar - Wizard (1)
Dukin Thunderstrike - Ranger (1)

Star Citizen: - https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/
AntanKarmola on their forums

Star Wars: The Old Republic: - Not really playing
Antare Karmola - Jedi Guardian (32)
Antan Karmola - Jedi Shadow (21)
Arianae Karmola - Gunslinger (20)

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:04 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 20, 2002 8:01 pm
Posts: 1722
Location: Greenland, Nuuk
I just realised that I cannot remember different places.

Gotta reroll, then go to cities :)

1st Feb 2008
Madson wrote:
Woo hoo! another laptopper like me! Wow that sounded wierd just now...

 Post subject: Re: Emu updates
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:29 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:13 pm
Posts: 928
Location: Columbus, OH
I kind of stopped following the SWGEMU, and then ran across SWG Awakening pre-cu server. I really didnt think I could get into the game again, and low and behold, I'm hooked again. It's a true pre-cu experience and a really cooperative player base. Color me impressed!

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