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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:56 am 
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Well, it has been about five months since I joined the SWG team and it is time for an update.

I have some good news for the future of our game and service that happened late last week. LucasArts and Sony Online have made the joint decision to increase the investment in the game development team. We are adding more people to all parts of the development team including production, project management, programming, design, art, community and QA. Over 20 new people are being added to our team this month in fact.

The purpose of this investment is to accelerate the changes and additions we want to make to Star Wars Galaxies.

These new folks won't have any affect on the in-progress Combat Upgrade, which has been fully staffed since Publish 10. More details on the Combat Upgrade will be coming out in January as we enter the alpha testing phase of that development.

Where these new people will help most is in allowing us to add more content, work on the non-combat professions and get to the galactic civil war enhancements sooner.

My plan is to move to more frequent and significant publishes of both fixes and enhancements. I have to caution that as with any large team change, it will take us a several weeks to get these new folks integrated and fully productive, but I wanted to share this significant change to our situation with you as soon as I could.

We remain committed to providing you with a premium Star Wars entertainment experience. These new people on our team will allow us to accelerate our changes to the game in pursuit of that goal. Expect to see us delivering a more immersive Star Wars experience that is more fun and accessible with each major publish.

I would like to hear your feedback on where and how we could make the biggest and most positive impact on your play experience. Please post your constructive feedback to us here.

As always, thank you for your continued patronage and support.

Gordon Walton
Sony Online Entertainment

Gordon Walton is SOETyrant, the Studio Manager, basically the guy holding the whip over the dev team atm.

Last edited by Obo on Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:32 am 
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Ah, this is promising!

Just wait Obbo, they'll all come back to SWG :)

Meriander, Paladin
Rentin, Warlock
(Emerald Dawn, WoW EU server)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:42 am 
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<insert Star Wars quote about redemption from the Dark Side and unavoidable destinies>

Actually, his "whip" is a rocket launcher that he keeps on his desk. Seems he's found new ways to motivate them...

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:45 am 
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All I can say is....



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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:53 am 
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By the time those new folks get integrated everyone will be a jedi instead only half.



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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:53 pm 
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this is excellent news. I have been excited every since I read this lastnight!


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:14 pm 
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Being an avid SWG supporter for so long this news was hard for me to hear.

It looks great, and I agree that it will help the game immensely. However, this seems more like an indication that they are scrambling to stop the ship from sinking, and from the looks of it the ship has taken on quite a lot of water already. I hope they can do it. I'll even take up a bucket myself to help, but it still may be too late to save this ship.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:58 pm 
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I hear you MGJ. I just dont think this game will ever full recover from 2 years of bad patchs. At the same time SWG does have it's hardcore fans and many that have left still keep one eye on the forums.

SOE will have to pull a pretty big bantha out of their hat to turn this game around. JTL was a very nice expansion with nominal bugs that stopped the bleeding a bit but much to much is still riding on the CU.

I have tried EQII and quite liked it but the siren call of SWG is just to much for me. I fear I will be one of the one holding my breath when and if this ship does in fact sink.

Till then, I shall play.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 12:11 pm 
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I am one of those that keep one eye on SWG. I am not sure why I do… maybe because the game took such a huge chunk out of my life. What ever the case, I do keep reading about it on a weekly basis. I find it sad that so little info is trickling out to the public. 99.99% of tiggs posts have no informational value of the type I am looking for.

I too see this as desperate stroke to try not to drown. It is something that should have happened much earlier. The fact that the game is this old and day-one issues such as pistolmeleedefence2 still not getting fixed is a freaking shame. They created holo-emotes and all kinds of additions, yet broken fundamental profession abilities have been waiting for the combat balance for years now.

Their priorities have not been straight. Players have said forever now that we want no more additions until the Core Game is fixed. Core game = Professions specials + GCW + worthless profession like Smugglers. Yet they do all this crap such as Jedi and Jtl.

1) They have systematically failed to understand the wants of the player base at every step of this game

2) They needed this new guys a long time ago.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:19 pm 
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/agree with Cyrus


I thought it would be worthwhile to give a specific example to Cyrus' belief, but with a little catch that differentiates the development teams under one roof (i.e. Sony).

Strangling Shot - a Scout special move that allows you to fire your bow multiple times and can be a great high damage intro move was broken upon release in EQ2. Game has been out for a little over a month...call it 6 weeks and the fix for this was in within a month of launch.

I know there are several SOE haters among us due to issues with SWG that they attribute to Sony, but I've found it very interesting to see very real differences in the attitudes, priorities, etc between the Sony dev teams.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:49 pm 
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The follow up

I followed this thread throughout the holidays, and have read it through twice now, and have asked the entire team to give it a read also. I have already gotten lots of feedback from team members from what they read here. Thanks for an extraordinary outpouring of excellent suggestions. One of the main reasons I asked for this feedback was to give our new developers a sense of what the community would like to see and this desire was certainly well accomplished.

Your comments clearly indicate there is no "quick fix" for everything needed to make SWG reach it's potential so please be patient while we integrate these new people onto the team in January and bring everyone up to speed.

I picked up on some of the major themes and give some of my thoughts below. There was plenty listed I am not responding to in this one post, but I did read all of it.

How about just fixing old bugs?
Well, we are going to concentrate on this. We have a team dedicated to just that mission. You will see their work in every publish going forward. More importantly, we are going to get stricter on what new bugs get into the system, so addressing any emergent bugs will have priority. Perhaps most importantly, we will be communicating our priorities for and status of fixes more vigorously.

We have an effort in progress to speed up the client also, along with the ongoing fixes.

Comments which will be addressed by Combat Upgrade

"Better armor that is more reflective of the GCW"
"New faction armour"
"Balance out classes"
"more armor types"
"Have combat more immersive, more interactive"
"Increased reasons for teamwork in combat"
"every movie and book I've read has had primarily ranged combat"
"give us something to do that doesn't require clone combat templates in the same armor with the same weapons in the same place"
"make factional armor worth wearing"
"the thing that really ruins the game is the Buffs and food stuff in PvP it all counts on being Buffed and ready"
"More types of weaponry"
"I should not be able to solo Gnarled Rancors by myself"
"I hate needing to buff in order to hunt"
"it would be fine if the game got back to group playing again no more soloing high lvl mobs"
"Moving away from "Melee-Centrism"
"Get rid of titanic BUFFs and uber weapons"

There is much more than this that Combat Upgrade addresses but I thought it was important to show that we are working on the things you want in combat with this major effort. We will start rolling out the detailed information on Combat Upgrade as it exits the alpha test early this year, and enters closed beta. Please sign up for the Combat Upgrade closed beta here if you are interested in helping us test and tune it before it hits the Test Center.

Smuggler revamp / non-combat profession upgrades
The smuggler revamp is important and detailed design work starts on it and several other of the non-combat professions in January. We need the context of the Combat Upgrade to be finished though before revamping the non-combat professions completely. This doesn't mean we are not going to address critical bugs and issues with professions, see the next item….

Correspondent Issues
In addition to fixing current issues with the game and service, we are asking the correspondents to help us with directing some of our fixes effort. If an issue is either part of the Combat Upgrade or a larger profession upgrade it may be tabled until the appropriate time, but pressing issues or things that can make things better immediately will be getting addressed across the breadth of all professions.

More "Star Wars" - We have lots of ideas about this, but I'd like to hear your ideas specifically on "Star Wars'-like quests, points of interest here.
More music - is coming, nuff said.
Improve the spawning and loot - already in progress, expect to see us work on this almost every publish the next few months.
Real quests, not mission terminals - Expect to see more quests from NPCs.
More content once you reach master - Part of the overall content improvement effort is to add high end content also.
Make the NPC cities come alive again - I'd love to hear your specific ideas on this particular subject here.
More "dungeons" - I'm not expecting to do this in the very near term as this type of content is very manpower intensive. I'd rather see the team on content working on more quest content first.
More Space quests - This is really just an extension of more quests, since we see quest content as for both for space and ground moving forward.
More planets - you will probably only see new planets as part of expansions, due to their size and scope and the fact they require new hardware to operate. Sorry!

AFK - unattended macroing
This will be going away soon. There will be some issues around losing the ability to do things with recursive macros or while AFK which will need to be addressed as part of this effort, but overall it is better for the game environment to not have this as a sanctioned behavior.

An over-arching GCW design is my personal priority to complete before end of March. The feedback we have gotten in this thread and by the GCW die-hard crowd has been excellent. My feeling is that the GCW must matter for the game to have a greater Star Wars feel, and this means it will be impact the game (and your gameplay) as much as anything to date. Expect more on our thoughts on GCW during the February/March timeframe.

Adding to the underworld is not part of our near term plans, and probably is a candidate for a future expansion given it's scope. Sorry!

Jedi system
I'm not going to comment on the Jedi system at this time. Clearly it is an area of contention for the some of you and we need to spend some time clarifying exactly how Jedi fit in SWG.

CS Support
We have been increasing the speed of support and the rigor of training for our CS reps during the last few months. Along with some major work on our knowledge base to help players immediately where possible rather than having to wait for a real person. The core issue here is more about the problems and issues with the software, which generate the calls. We are working to stop treating the symptoms and get the core issues addressed by the entire team. And adding tools for the CS reps to use to better assist you if you need to call for help.

Better communication
We are going to do a few things differently than in the recent past to try and address this issue. We've always listened to our players and incorporated your ideas into our designs, but we haven't been as successful as we'd like to be at clearly showing which specific changes were affected and how they were affected by that feedback. We're going to make some changes to our update notes that will better reflect this so you all can understand how useful and important your feedback is to us. We're also looking at a variety of changes to the current ways in which we communicate with you, including the patch notes, the message boards, and virtually every other aspect of community relations. We'd like your feedback about any community relations issues you'd like to discuss with us here.

"How we will use the team"
Our team is operating as several sub-teams focused on specific objectives. We have teams working on Live/bug fixes, new content, UI changes, infrastructure changes to the game and more. I will be communicating more about our new team structure in February once the new people are fully integrated and we have a couple of publishes out.

Again, thank you for your continued patronage and support.

Gordon Walton
Sony Online Entertainment

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