Chair, Pres, FA, and DDs.
Posted by: Archive Bot, 29 Apr 2003 03:57
The Board of Directors has selected Cyrus Rex as their Sixth Chairman. Congratulations go out to Mr. Rex, we're all sure he will do a great job!

If you have not heard already, Master Gui-Jan has stepped down as President. His letter to the membership can be found here. As the Vice President, Romsuiag has stepped up to become the Third President of Avian. He too has a letter that can be found here.

Foreign Affairs Operations:
After a recent chat session, Romsuiag has posted a thread to inform members on the progress of the reformation of Avian's foreign affairs operations. You can view it at, FAOps Reform

Deputy Directors:
The list of this terms Deputy Directors has been updated, and can be seen on the news article from April 21st.


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